Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 9th February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 4th February 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your star power is undeniable. Use it to manage a large group of people. Workers respect you, because you treat them with dignity. You'd never talk down to somebody just because their rank is lower than yours. In addition, you have good instincts about motivating people. Some members of your team require lots of praise, while others respond to criticism. If you want a high profile position you may have to take an entry level job and work your way up.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) As a rule, you enjoy routines. Lately you've been craving excitement. Travelling to a faraway country seems fabulously romantic. If you're single, you're sure to find romance on this trip. Keep your ears open for an intellectual who speaks several different languages. Their sexy accent will send shivers up your spine. If you already have a lover, the two of you will benefit from a change of scenery. Go ahead and splurge on a gift that will always remind you of this holiday.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Powerful emotions drive you into the arms of an attentive lover. It's almost impossible to resist their allure. If you're already in a committed relationship, you need to consider the consequences of your actions. Can you really bear to break your partner's heart? If this relationship has become hopeless, you've got to put an end to it before embarking on an affair or you'll risk losing both your partner and your lover. Getting some distance from the situation can help you think more clearly.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Recently, an intimate relationship has been undergoing tremendous highs and lows. Right now, you're at the crest of the wave. You and your amour only have eyes for each other, and may want to sneak away to a quiet place where you can drink each other in without interruption. Go ahead and take a few days off. A babysitter or dog walker can attend to your responsibilities while you're away. Right now, you need to make love your top priority.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You're feeling stronger and healthier by the day. This is mostly due to the changes you've recently made to your daily routine. Instead of bogging down your schedule with a lot of tedious chores, you're making time for the people and activities you love. If that means making less money or falling out of favour with your boss, so be it. You'll do your fair share, but not at the expense of your own happiness. Give yourself a round of applause.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You simply can't contain your creative impulses any longer. Put work aside in favour of a book, painting, or some other piece of creative work that's been taking shape in your subconscious. If you wait much longer, the whole thing will dissolve into thin air. Your nearest and dearest might complain you aren't paying enough attention to their needs. Don't let these guilt trips deter your progress. You have every right to develop this pet project. Everyone will have to fare for themselves, at least in the short term.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It's impossible to keep your feelings hidden any longer. If the truth will hurt innocent parties, put down your feelings in a diary. As a general rule, you trust your head over your heart. Ignoring your emotions altogether can have serious consequences, though. You might develop headaches or stomach pains. Fortunately, you possess tremendous artistic talent. Sharing your feelings with a close friend will be therapeutic. It will also make you feel like you're leading a more balanced life.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're not afraid to broach uncomfortable topics. If there's an elephant in the room, you will address it. Friends will accuse you of being terribly rude, but secretly, they admire your direct approach. Of course, your questions will make the powers that be defensive, but this can't be helped. So long as they keep saying one thing and doing another, there's bound to be confusion. It's up to you to clarify the situation. Confront an authority figure in a public setting, where there will be lots of witnesses.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You'll do whatever is necessary to carry out a project. Being blunt or working long hours doesn't deter you from your goals. Therefore, you need to ask for what you are worth. Don't hesitate to ask for the top salary. If you don't promote your interests, nobody else will. Besides, think of all the lovely trips you can take with more money pouring into your bank account. Any extra money you can donate to the local animal shelter!
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your powerful presence opens doors. People are afraid to say 'no' to you. Use your influence to get a promotion, raise, or favour. If you're looking for work, you could find a job at a university or cultural centre. Don't worry if you haven't had any previous experience. Your expertise of other subjects will serve you well in a new position. Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective to make a success of a difficult venture. Fortunately, you're always up for a challenge.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Coming to terms with personal demons feels liberating. In the past, you worried you weren't worthy of happiness or success. Now you realise your dreams are within reach. All it takes to obtain them is your willingness to pursue them. Stop letting your fears dictate how you will live. You've been blessed with so much intelligence, compassion, and imagination. Use your gifts to enrich the lives of others. You could make a name for yourself doing humanitarian work.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You've got friends in high places. Use them to your advantage. If you're looking for love, ask a trusted confidante to set you up on a blind date. You'll hit it off with an old fashioned intellectual. In many ways, the two of you will be a study in contrasts. You'll bring excitement and spontaneity to your lover's life, while they'll give yours a sense of structure and purpose. It's a nice combination. Are you already in a relationship? Try granting your amour a wish.

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