Thursday, February 9, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 10th February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 4th February 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're ready to break out of a prison of your own making. Lately, all of your time and energy has been put towards conveying a certain image. Now you realise just how limiting this role really is. Go ahead and satisfy your urge for fast cars, rough sports, and wild times. People will be shocked by your outrageous behaviour, and that's probably a good thing. There's more to you than duty and responsibility. You've always been a rebel at heart, and enjoy stirring the pot to keep things exciting.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Keeping a low profile is the only way you'll get any peace. Lately, everybody has been tugging at your sleeve, demanding your attention and asking your opinion. While all of this attention is gratifying, it's also exhausting. Take this opportunity to sneak away to a quiet hideaway. Catch up on your reading, listen to some soothing music, or just take a nap. The world won't fall apart while you're away. You'll regain your zest for life after taking a short break.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Finding a new form of expression will expand your social circle. You may decide to launch a blog, join a social network, or display your creative work online. It will take time to learn the rules, but you've always been a fast learner. Remember that communicating online is much different than face to face interactions. It's harder to understand what people mean when you're reading their words so don't be too quick to take offence and double check everything you say before hitting 'send.'
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You'll get a chance to distinguish yourself in a relatively new field. If someone offers to teach you a new skill, accept immediately. At first, you'll be sorely tempted to quit. It's difficult to master such a strange subject. Fortunately, you've been given the gift of tenacity. By sticking to your guns, you'll make progress, slowly but surely. Before too long, you'll become a respected authority in this field, and be able to command a good salary for your expertise.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Exploring new territory is critical to your happiness. You love the comforts of home, but they can become a prison when you become overly reliant upon them. Venture off the beaten path. Take a trip to a faraway land. Sample an unfamiliar cuisine. Read a book that seems interesting but challenging. By challenging your sensibilities, you'll gain a fresh appreciation for life. Don't bother defending your interests to cautious people who think you're stupid for trying something new.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It's time to satisfy your passion, even if it means acting selfishly. Too often, you put your needs aside for the sake of others. While nurturing friends, family, and neighbours is rewarding, it doesn't fill the empty space in your heart. The only thing that can meet this need is adventure. Take up a sport, enter a contest, or develop a new technique. You're extremely bright, and need an outlet for your intellectual gifts. Going off on your own will force your nearest and dearest to become more self-reliant.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Forging an alliance with someone who is very different is critical. It's not healthy to surround yourself with people who see world in exactly the same way. You need a partner who will challenge your assumptions and invite you to consider other opinions. Such a partnership will be tremendously rewarding, both creatively and emotionally. There's a lot more to you than meets the eye. The dual nature of your sign demands you lead a life that's varied, exciting, and unique.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Changing your daily routine will feel like a breath of fresh air. You have a tendency to get bogged down in work. When this happens, life feels grim and you fail to notice golden opportunities. Get into the habit of doing what you love at a certain time each day. Don't let any other activity interfere with this sacred spot in your schedule. Getting in shape will be a good use of your time. When you feel good, your mood lifts and you become more creative.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A wild, wanton romance will take root in your life. It can be with a person or hobby; the effect will be the same. You'll feel as if you're walking on air, and even the most annoying people won't make much of a dent on your good mood. People will ask whether you've lost weight or undergone a surgical procedure. Happiness is the best panacea known to man. You will be living proof of this principle in the days ahead.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Home is a haven from the stress of public life. Go ahead and make a few changes designed for greater comfort and happiness. There's no reason you have to sleep in a certain room or arrange your kitchen a particular way. Do what works best for your life. Opening your home to guests will add a welcome dash of spice to your personal life. It's so much fun to prepare lavish meals with friends, relatives, and neighbours. Besides, you're tired of eating out.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You'll get a pleasant piece of news from a past love. Although it's been years since you've thought about this figure, they still have a hold on your heart. Maybe this is a sign you should champion an interest you abandoned some time ago. Returning to a course of study, way of life, or spiritual practice will be liberating. Some may think your behaviour is strange, but so what? Ultimately, you have to satisfy yourself. Nobody else can meet these needs.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) An unusual obsession has caught hold of your heart. Instead of fighting it, give into its allure. Weave it into a creative project. Your ideas and inspirations need to be acted upon so don't sublimate them in favour of more humdrum activities. You're better off facing the truth of your desires, even if they're somewhat shadowy or troubling. You may be surprised at how much better you feel once you admit the truth.

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