Monday, May 28, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 29th May 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Resist the urge to surf the Internet, play videogames, and exchange text messages. There's lots of work to be done. You won't make any progress if you get caught up in time wasting activities. It's difficult to see a neighbour's point of view. Their complaints seem nasty and mean spirited, but by stopping certain activities at particular times, you will forge a better relationship. Sometimes it's better to compromise than get your way.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Stop bending the rules for someone you love. If you're caught making this exception, you will be held up as an example to the others. Do you really want to jeopardise your reputation for the sake of being popular? True friends will like you for yourself and not what you can do for them. Manipulators will quickly back off and find other victims. You're better off maintaining a small circle of loyal friends, anyway. Maintaining superficial relationships is exhausting and pointless.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) This isn't a good time to stock up on luxuries. You should do the best you can with existing resources. It's difficult to deprive yourself of your favourite products, but in the end, it will be good discipline. Do your best to save as much money as you can, as household expenses are mounting. Fixing a broken appliance takes precedence over clothes, toiletries, and entertainment. A handy relative may be able to do a repair job for a very reasonable price.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Stop filling your head with self critical thoughts. You're only human, so you're bound to make mistakes. When this happens, examine what triggered the error, and devise a system to avoid such pitfalls. Then move on to the next order of business. Beating yourself up over some minor incident is a waste of valuable time and energy. A medical professional has stern advice for you. Follow it to the letter, as you must overhaul your diet and exercise regime.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A desire for personal freedom is tempting you to go back on a promise. Avoid this impulse like the plague. You have to help your friends, even when it's inconvenient. Not only should you offer assistance, but you must be cheerful about it. Don't recite a long list of all the fun things you could be doing if you weren't such a self sacrificing person. By being helpful, receptive, and compassionate, you'll strengthen your friendship and feel better about your own behaviour.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Resist the urge to throw a big party to impress your friends and neighbours. People will have a much better time if you host a casual event where everyone can come and go as they please. Serve simple food that everyone can adjust to their taste. The presentation may not be elegant, but it will be appetising. You're a lot more popular than you think. It's not necessary to put on airs to advertise your worth. People love you for who you are, not what you can provide.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're tired of being told what to like and shun. If you want to read tabloid magazines and trashy books, go ahead. Don't defend your choices to snobbish onlookers. You're a thoughtful, kind person blessed with amazing intelligence. You don't have to bolster your ego by reading things you don't enjoy. You're in the kind of environment where you could be criticised for loving the classics. Stop getting drawn into these games of intellectual superiority. They're a waste of time.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You could incur some pretty steep fees, so be prepared to part with a big chunk of cash. The only way to stop something similar from occurring is to be more vigilant. If you have trouble making timely payments, think about scheduling a reminder on your phone. Do you fare better with visual reminders? Hang a big calendar at eye level of your desk, and circle all the pertinent deadlines in red. The simplest solutions are often most effective.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Lately, your best friend or lover has been demonstrating some pretty selfish behaviour. You've been willing to let these lapses in etiquette slide in the interests of harmony. Even an easy going person like you has a breaking point. The next time your loved one does something utterly thoughtless, say something. Be calm, cool, and rational when making your protest. You should sound as if you're reciting facts, rather than putting someone on trial. Remember, your goal is to change their attitude, not your moral superiority.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Don't over dramatise an illness or injury. A colleague has been silently suffering from a serious health problem. Your complaints will feel like an assault on their sensibilities. If you aren't feeling well enough to concentrate, go home early and get some rest. Resist the urge to keep busy, or you will just feel worse. It's hard for a workaholic like you to slow down, but it is necessary. You can't play fast and loose with your health.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You're tired of being ordered around all the time. Rebelling against authority is tempting, but will have bad consequences. Everyone is labouring under the same kind of pressure. Nobody enjoys being told what to do, but some situations demand it. This is one of those circumstances. Find a healthy outlet for your frustrations. Arrange a romantic evening with your amour. They'll be happy to ease your anger away as only they know how to do.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You're hypersensitive when it comes to family. A relative's teasing comments feel hurtful. Pretending to laugh off these insults is an exercise in futility. They still sting, no matter how they were intended. Ask your tormentor to stop making these remarks. If they persist, you should put some distance between you until the behaviour stops. You have every right to demand respectful treatment. If someone refuses to accept your boundaries, it's time to cut the cord.
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