Friday, October 19, 2012

Aries y Libra Weekly Horoscope 22 to 28 October 2012 by mytwicevideo

Published on Oct 19, 2012 by
The Sun enters Scorpio on Monday.
On Tuesday the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune Rx in Pisces.
On Thursday the Sun conjuncts Saturn in Scorpio.
Mars in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini on Sunday.
Venus enters Libra on Sunday.

The Sun entering the eighth house on Monday means that you become more aware of your needs and on Tuesday you don't know if you can trust everyone. You feel a bit suspicious and reflective about the whole thing, but not everything that runs within your mind is true. On Thursday when the sun conjuncts planet Saturn in the eighth house you make an important agreement, and it can be an agreement to yourself. You know that you need to take responsibility for your feelings and you can't always blame it on the situation or others. During the weekend you don't only feel popular but you will probably also get some attention and find clarity and self healing, especially on Saturday. But on Sunday, your ruling planet Mars opposes Jupiter and a huge discussion turns into a war of different ideas. Venus enters though the house of partnerships and friendships on Sunday, promising to improve your relationships until November 21st.

Published on Oct 19, 2012 by
The Sun enters Scorpio on Monday.
On Tuesday the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune Rx in Pisces.
On Thursday the Sun conjuncts Saturn in Scorpio.
Mars in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini on Sunday.
Venus enters Libra on Sunday.

Money will be an important subject during the week with the Sun entering Scorpio on Monday, trining Neptune retrograde on Tuesday and conjuncting Saturn on Thursday. Even if the financial situation is a bit confusing in the beginning of the week, something wonderful, important even, serious, might happen on Thursday regarding your finances. Relationships are important during the weekend but Sunday can create conflicts and it's because Mars opposes Jupiter. Problems might also arise if you travel on Sunday. But the good news is that Venus enters your own sign on Sunday and therefore you will be the most charming person until November 21st.

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