Saturday, October 20, 2012

Taurus & Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 22 to 28 October 2012 by mytwicevideo

Published on Oct 19, 2012 by
The Sun enters Scorpio on Monday.
On Tuesday the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune Rx in Pisces.
On Thursday the Sun conjuncts Saturn in Scorpio.
Mars in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini on Sunday.
Venus enters Libra on Sunday.

The sun entering your seventh house on Monday signals that you need to care more about your friends and partners. Therefore you'll manage to improve your relationships. But Tuesday can be confusing because the sun trines Neptune, that is still retrograde in the house of friends. You might have doubts about the credibility of a friend. But on Thursday you are ready to make some kind of deal with somebody. And that deal or agreement feels as an important accomplishment. You would of course like to spend your weekend alone or just with a few that accept you just the way you are. And Saturday does seem wonderful. You do find harmony in every social relationship. But then Sundays arrives with a Mars-Jupiter opposition and a money situation will annoy you. When Venus on Sunday enters your house of work and health it's a signal that you need to treat yourself and your body with care. Work relationships will improve.
Published on Oct 19, 2012 by
The Sun enters Scorpio on Monday.
On Tuesday the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune Rx in Pisces.
On Thursday the Sun conjuncts Saturn in Scorpio.
Mars in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini on Sunday.
Venus enters Libra on Sunday.

Your time of the year begins on Monday when the sun enters your sign. You can expect now people to pay more attention to you as you become more outgoing also. And it is time to think about what the next year will be like, because it is time for your personal "New Year"-resolutions. Love life or social life can become a bit too much on Tuesday when the Sun trines Neptune Rx. But wonderful ideas for creative projects can also be the result of this aspect. On Thursday you finally decide to grow up or to take responsibility for you own life, when the Sun conjuncts Saturn in your own sign. Do you have any other option? During the weekend you might work or do something physical but money can create huge conflicts on Sunday when Mars opposes Jupiter (in the second and eighth house). Venus enters Libra on Sunday asking you to learn to love yourself. Only then can you learn to love others too and you can open up to compassion.

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