Saturday, October 13, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Sunday 14th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 13th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’re invited to get involved in a sport that’s not for the faint hearted and requires nerves of steel. You love a challenge but it will be your loved ones who are most worried about this. Ignoring their anxiety would be unfair on them as it’s because they care. Reassure others that you know the risks and you won’t do anything foolish. Whatever you do, don’t imply they’re holding you back when all they’re doing is sharing their uncertainties.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A joint arrangement that has worked great up until now could run into a few problems. A partner has grown bored and wants a change or someone else has entered the scene and what worked in the past isn’t working anymore. If you are single and had hoped for more than just friendship from someone, it will become apparent they’ve always just seen you as a friend. They will soon be walking out of your hopes and dreams never to have known how you felt about them.
Gemini (May22/June21) If the day seems flat and uneventful, don’t fret too much. If you drag through the hours like a tortoise with a broken leg, try to find something to keep you occupied. Catch up on all those books you haven’t read in your Kindle. Contact friends on Facebook and other social networking sites. If this doesn’t cheer you, the good news is: the evening hours will dispel all your blues when a lusty partner provides an action replay of a recent passionate encounter.
Cancer (June22/July23) If you’re receiving messages from someone who shouldn’t be contacting you, ignore them. You might wonder how they got your telephone number or email address. The problem is if someone’s determined enough, they will find a way to get to you. They may once have been a big part of your life but that’s all over and done with now. You thought it was an amicable parting of the ways but they feel bitter and can’t handle what they perceive as rejection.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Sometimes other people get all the best opportunities and it doesn’t seem fair to you. Seeing someone being promoted within months of them arriving in your place of employment isn’t doing your self-esteem a lot of good. You’ve never hidden your desire to take a few more steps up the career ladder. If a senior colleague seems to be deliberately overlooking you it may be necessary to have a discreet word with someone above them.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You’re confused and uncertain about a friend’s irresponsible behaviour. It shouldn’t be any of your concern but it is a worry when someone is flirting and partying the nights away instead of being with their partner. You wonder how much their other half knows about what’s going on but to ask will draw attention to the situation. If the couple has fallen out, they must have their reasons for not telling anyone. Best to keep your observations to yourself.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Encourage youngsters to switch off their computers and learn about what’s going on outdoors. Visit an outdoor centre that has fun activities to offer people of all ages. You can look back on your childhood and think about the great times you had while youngsters in the family get the chance to learn new skills. It doesn’t cost anything to get out in open spaces. Make it a day of physical activity for everyone and the family will have a lot of healthy fun.
Я прошу у вас прощения, если я тебе больно. Это никогда не было моим намерением, только тебя люблю
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You might feel annoyed and disappointed with someone you had expected to act more professionally. Whether they have betrayed a secret or blamed others for something they have done, you would never stoop to their level. You can only control yourself and your actions, not others. When you’re being linked with events you played no part in, all you can do is observe, decide on how you want to handle this and revise your opinion of those you trusted who have let you down.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You might get a second chance to launch a plan, project or proposal that failed the first time round. Others are keen to try again but you aren’t as interested. After considering what’s on offer you will notice very little has changed since the last time. You see nothing to suggest this attempt will be any more successful. You won’t stop others from doing what they want to do but this is a road you would prefer not to go down again.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) If someone doesn’t reply to an urgent message they can’t complain when you make a decision without them. They may lose out on a great opportunity but if you did all you could to bring it to their attention, they can’t blame you. You might secretly feel a friend has been deliberately ignoring your emails because they’re sulking about a recent misunderstanding. This is a shame when you’re happy to let bygones be bygones.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) What works for some people doesn’t seem to make any difference to you. A friend is lucky to have found a group or club where they can meet like-minded people and gain more experience in a specific field. You might go along with them a few times to test the water but there is a lot you don’t feel comfortable with. You will eventually prefer to leave others to it as there are other places you would rather be.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Joining youngsters in the family in activities you used to enjoy as a youngster will be enormously relaxing. Whether it is watching cartoons, kicking a ball around the garden or doing something crafty, it will help you switch off from the pressures of your everyday world. You’ve always been a big kid at heart and it will be a joy to share some fun memories of when you were young with anyone who wishes to listen.
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