Sunday, October 14, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Monday 15th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 13th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Deep in the recesses of your mind lies the solution to your current problems. You have been through similar dilemmas before. Recycling information you already know will help you overcome the obstacles in front of you. If forthcoming changes require discussion with your partner or the family, you should get this sorted out in the next few days. Your inclination to speak candidly and respond to questions with honest answers will encourage others to do the same.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Let sleeping dogs lie. Leave well alone and some problems will sort themselves out on their own. If it’s going to upset someone, why bring up a subject that is better left out of conversations? Think about the consequences of your actions. You need to take back control of yourself, your life and your future by acknowledging that no one can force you to do anything you don’t want to. Ultimately you’re in charge of what you do.
Gemini (May22/June21) Someone’s tip off concerning career matters might turn out to have been an exaggeration of the truth. You believed they knew what they were talking about but all they have done is make a fool out of you. Maybe they’ve been manipulating you for their own benefit. You just wish you’d had the sense to make further enquiries rather than trusting them outright. One thing’s for certain: they’ll never get away with that kind of trickery again.
Cancer (June22/July23) A short period of adjustment is necessary if you have recently changed jobs, moved house or started a new relationship. Changes occurring in one area of your life will have an effect on others even if you are trying to stop this from happening. A new job could mean different working hours with less or even more time with the family. A new romance means spending time getting to know your partner while someone at home might wonder where they fit in.
Leo (July24/Aug23) After some confusion and foolish bickering a contentious matter will be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. You feel guilty about having allowed someone to wind you up and they’re ashamed about the part they played in increasing the friction between you. What’s for certain is there are community and other issues you feel strongly about and you are prepared to take action if you feel it is necessary. You can’t ignore it if something you disagree with is going on.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Relationships that have been volatile show no sign of improving. You would like to feel you can iron out recent misunderstandings but nothing will get resolved while other people refuse to cooperate. You might suddenly remember a past event, agreement or experience that had slipped your mind. Someone isn’t going to be happy when you remind them about it but this could change their attitude about a future agreement.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) There are no guarantees that a choice you go for will make you happy but at least you will have tried. You have the option to keep things as they are or to experiment a little and try something new. You might want to take a risk in romance and suggest it is time to move in together or make a joint long term commitment. Your partner may agree or the suggestion could send them running for the hills. Dare you take that risk?
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Discovering there are aspects to a situation you hadn’t been aware of makes you look at it through different eyes. You have been making judgements on the world and other people from one perspective but now you realise there are other ways of looking at it. This sheds new light on the matter and in understanding the reason for a recent misunderstanding, you are in a stronger position to do something about it.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Nothing attracts friendship like enthusiasm; this is a splendid time for starting new relationships. If you’re keen to take up a new challenge but feel you can’t do this on your own, teaming up with a friend or work colleague could be the ideal solution. Plans you turned down recently now seem possible because of the support you are currently receiving. You won’t feel guilty about changing your mind because circumstances have also changed, justifying this.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) An apology is received; this comes from the heart. You aren’t going to punish anyone further by humiliating them. Failing to acknowledge the effort they are making to build bridges could cause lasting damage to this relationship. Instead, be willing to let go of your hurt feelings and start again. Once the air has been cleared you might also anticipate enjoying a happier and more stable relationship in the future.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) What you do with your time is largely up to you. If you feel you have drifted into a situation that isn’t good for you, what’s stopping you from casually drifting out of it again? Only you can decide what you want to do. It is true that some outside motivation can give you a nudge and occasionally this will be in the right direction, but not always. It is time to extract yourself from an uncomfortable situation.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) How you get through some awkward events all boils down to attitude and how flexible you are willing to be. It could be a matter of professional demands versus personal interests. If you begrudge some heavy career responsibilities and wish for more time to yourself, be careful about how you approach the situation. If your boss notices your lack of interest, you could well have your wish granted but no job to return to in November.
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