Thursday, October 18, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Friday 19th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 13th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Think of the things you used to do together that you really enjoyed if you want to improve a love relationship. Just because you’ve known each other for years, it doesn’t mean you can’t still be romantic. Book a meal in a restaurant that was once a favourite; go to a movie or arrange to spend the weekend walking in the countryside. Make a date, keep to it and share some quality time together.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A new work project surges ahead more rapidly than you would like. You are given jobs to work on which will demand a lot of concentration. Inevitably you will want to withdraw from the mainstream to give these tasks your full attention, but you also feel annoyed because you did have other things planned for the day, Now other things have got in the way. It would be easier to just grin and bear it and to take a behind the scenes approach to important matters.
Gemini (May22/June21) Make good use of your creative potential by pitching ideas to your boss and other senior colleagues. If you feel there are some who won’t appreciate your clever suggestions, go directly to those who have showed an interest in your ideas in the past. Now you have a clear vision for the future you feel more focused. There’s a lot of hard work in store but it will be worth it for the rewards you envisage getting out of this.
Cancer (June22/July23) You are focusing your energy on all the wrong places if it feels as if nothing is going right for you. What’s the point of putting in more hours at work if this causes problems at home? You are missing out on activities with the family and their complaint about you not being around for them isn’t helping. If there is a chance to reduce outside commitments so you can have more time with your loved ones, take it.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You will be grateful for information received from someone who thinks you ought to know about what’s going on, but have you considered what might be motivating their sudden helpfulness? Yes they are providing you with the facts. As they will keep reminding you, they aren’t feeding you any lies, but it is what you do about it that’s of interest to them. If you react as they expect you to do, you could take action that will cause another person a lot of harm.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Thoughts centre on money and the need to get down to the difficult business of sorting out your bank account. Check all direct debits and standing orders to make sure none have been renewed without your knowledge. If you do not intend to renew an annual policy, make sure you cancel it. Read the service provider’s terms and conditions before setting up new financial transactions. You can’t be too careful when it comes to your financial dealings.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) The heavens urge you to use your initiative and enterprise. Start a project you know you will enjoy. Even if this is linked with your career, the work won’t cause you any hardship. In fact, the more satisfaction you get out of new commitments, the wealthier you will feel, materially and spiritually. A new image may be necessary for some goals you have in mind. This could inspire you to start on a series of changes to your appearance and your surroundings.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Those who are aware of the arrangements you are making can be trusted to keep a secret. You feel proud of your efforts and of the way everything is starting to go your way. It’s a shame you can’t share your success with everyone but eventually you will get the chance to bring it all out into the open. Until then you’re happy to confide in a handful of people whose advice and support you can always rely on.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You have a lot to talk about and share with your family and friends. There is so much going on in your life at the moment. A chance to take part in a fund raising venture or charitable event could come your way. There will be plenty of others who are keen to join you so don’t feel you will be left with all the responsibility. Relations with neighbours, in-laws and colleagues should be excellent now.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You are being easily distracted and because this isn’t usual, you’re getting annoyed with yourself for letting this happen. You need to make firm arrangements if you are to make any progress. Short term aims will not be achieved if you allow others to draw you into their concerns. This may benefit them as you help them complete the work they are doing but this means it will take longer for you to finish yours.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Others will leave it to you to organise a future social event or group travel plans. They rely on you for a reason: it’s because they know you can be trusted to get the best deal and to plan it so all runs smoothly. No one is ever disappointed when you take charge. You will intuitively sense possible problem areas and this helps you take steps to avoid these. Group activities give you the chance to have fun and gain new experiences.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Just because you don’t feel giddy and they didn’t sweep you off your feet, it doesn’t mean a new partner’s not romantic. Your first few dates may be slightly tense but give it time. Once you learn more about each other you will both relax and this is when you will start to see your partner’s romantic side. A friend who is intensely emotional may need some extra understanding when you find it hard to see why they make such a drama out of everything.
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