Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Wednesday 17th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 13th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) An early start will work to your advantage. People you are dealing with won’t object if you take charge in partnerships, contracts and joint money matters. Someone is finding it difficult to come to a decision and they will look to you to help them out. This is a big responsibility and you won’t do anything impulsively. If entertaining is on the cards, it will probably be in connection with a business or charitable concern.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) If you’re a little under the weather, there is plenty to do that will keep you pleasantly occupied without causing you excessive strain. Don’t use a lack of energy as an excuse to get out of obligations when people are relying on you. Once you get active you won’t feel so miserable and energy will appear out of nowhere, helping you do what you have to do. Background tactics will put you ahead of business competitors.
Gemini (May22/June21) Because you always believed you made a right choice or decision you haven’t felt it necessary to ever consider again. Once the choice was made you moved on to something else. The trouble is your attention is now drawn to issues that affect this decision and not all of these are positive. An aspect of your life is out of joint and some analysis of your recent actions is necessary before you can go any further.
Cancer (June22/July23) Plans to get away from home to meet up with friends or join a group event will be dashed very quickly. Someone in the family is insistent about completing household chores that are by no means essential. Chances are, you will be reduced to wandering about the house killing time and wishing you were elsewhere. Trying to please others is not making you happy so why bother? Let housemates know where they can find you if they really need you and leave them to their own devices.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Anyone who has been lied to or cheated on in the past could have insecurities that show in their relationships now. If a partner explains why they act as if they don’t trust you, it gives you a chance to understand it from their perspective. If they don’t explain, it won’t be as easy to work on this problem together. You are trying to be reasonable but others need to cooperate before you will even think about moving this relationship onto a new level.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) If you’re with someone you like and your feelings are reciprocated, let nothing come between you. Money, education and family should not be allowed to get in the way of a good relationship. Contention could arise through listening to the wrong people and letting them influence you, If you and a partner care for each other but seem to be arguing more, consider the part you have played in bringing this situation about. Focus on each other and not what friends might have to say.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Be the pursuer if you want to get to know someone better. Taking the initiative will help make things happen and this is far better than waiting around twiddling your thumbs. Travel plans are being made and these could take you to areas you’ve never been to before. Take a virtual tour of a town or city you are visiting to get familiarised with landmarks. This will make it easier to find your way around when you get there.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) There will be a need to be extra careful in the future about whom you can trust. If you’ve been trying to keep some work you are doing in addition to your main employment a secret, your boss could somehow find out about it. They won’t reveal how they got this information but you have your suspicions. You might feel disappointed by the results of current endeavours but there are worse things that could happen.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) There is plenty of scope for varying routines but not everyone will support new ideas. If you sense things aren’t going your way in the workplace, drop the subject and bring it up again at another time when your boss might be more supportive. Your main aim should be to distract those in positions of power before they have a chance to make a firm objection. Otherwise an outright disapproval would put an end to ideas you would like to develop.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) If you thought a recent spate of hard work would make life easier in lots of ways; you may have to think again. The major effort you recently made to help other people get on top of their responsibilities will have meant your own work was left neglected. This is what you must rectify now. Hopefully those you have recently helped will be willing to assist you now. If not, you might be disappointed with their lack of appreciation.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A look at your personal limitations and ways of increasing these will bring a deeper awareness of your abilities. Focus on your strengths and find ways to realise your true potential. Long term goals you set yourself now will soon become a reality when a number of events will tip the scales in your favour. Although this is an obviously exciting time it will be best to take each step carefully and accept any professional advice that is offered.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) If a friend’s partner keeps finding excuses to spend more time than usual with you, be wary. The couple may be going through problems neither of them has admitted to. That’s why they currently find your company more appealing. This could get awkward if in the future they do split up and you don’t want to take sides. Are you single? Avoid getting too intimate with someone who isn’t free to start a new relationship.
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