Friday, October 19, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Saturday 20th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 20th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) There are sacrifices you have to make and it will take a lot of your time but you are serious about new commitments. You intend to fulfil new obligations and in order to do so you need to take the driver’s seat. Those you are with aren’t quite as experienced or knowledgeable as you. This will be a learning experience for them and a chance for you to make full use of your leadership potential so try to be patient and understanding.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) You need to be extra sensitive to other people’s feelings if you are to get by without upsetting anyone. Someone in the family or workplace is overly touchy; this will influence the way they react to imagined slights. It might seem as if you have to tread on eggs when you are with them, but it will be worth it to avoid an argument. Do your best to keep conversations light and avoid subjects that have caused misunderstandings in the past.


Gemini (May22/June21) You’re happy doing your own thing and getting on with your life in your own way, but suddenly someone makes a big impression on you. You aren’t sure when it happened but you find yourself wondering what they might think and what they will say. You don’t want to make a decision until you’ve asked them and you’re happy to admit it. You weren’t looking to have a partner influence you so strongly but it feels good to have them in your life.


Cancer (June22/July23) Trying to talk to someone when you’re upset or uncertain might only confuse you further. You need to be clear about your thoughts before bringing up a touchy subject. If you’re trying to break down emotional barriers a partner keeps putting up, you need to be assertive but in a gentle way. Patience is a big necessity if someone is feeling delicate and you are trying to get them to talk.


Leo (July24/Aug23) A text message from someone takes you by surprise when you didn’t know they had your number. Or an email from an old friend will mean a change of plans to fit in some new arrangements. It won’t be any imposition to postpone some appointments to another time when you’re secretly delighted with today’s unexpected developments. Events taking place this evening will speak to the artist or psychic in you.


Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A bonus or reward for your loyalty and the hard work you have put into a special venture is on its way. You won’t be in a hurry to spend it as you’re currently in the process of reviewing your finances and trying to balance the books. After a total money makeover you will be more aware of your income, how you spend your money and possible ways to save for the future. Taking control of your finances will uplift your soul.


Libra (Sept24/Oct23) With you being so positive and assertive you must forgive a partner for wondering if you’ve had a personality transplant. People don’t expect you to make your mind up so quickly when they put ideas to you. If you are typical of your sign, you like to mull over suggestions and weigh up the pros and cons before giving a final decision. Instant reactions you make today will take others by surprise. You won’t regret acting on impulse.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) To safeguard your interests it will be necessary to let only a chosen few know of your ideas. Arrangements now being made are exciting but someone could make your life difficult if they found out about them. To make sure nothing does go wrong you need to keep a lid on your plans for a short while longer. These may be linked with an offer you turned down in the past which was mainly because of the person who made it, and not because you weren’t interested in the idea.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You might wonder how much control you have over communications when a secret falls into the wrong hands. Someone finding out about plans they weren’t supposed to know about may force you into taking an unscheduled trip or changing some arrangements. If you suspect your ex or a business rival has access to your accounts or passwords make sure you change your security system to ensure this can’t happen again.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) The excuses you’re given as to why plans are suddenly changed don’t sound believable. You sense there is something else going on you aren’t being told about. Despite the fact a joint arrangement is important to you; you’re starting to wonder whether you’ve made it with the right person. It might be time to start looking for a more reliable partner. You may have put a lot into this deal but to continue when it isn’t working any more could be throwing good money after bad.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Casting your thoughts adrift with no particular destination in mind can be enlightening. Thoughts travel down avenues your subconscious often block, reminding you of dreams and wishes you once had as a child. Major changes in your life could be implemented because of a sudden need to fulfil a childhood dream. This venture will be successful if it is properly thought through. So there will be no more daydreaming once you have set a goal. You will need to stay focused.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) The best way to stick to your decisions is to stop listening to those who are trying to get you to change your mind. If anyone doubts your ability to achieve your aims, show they are wrong by setting small, reasonable goals over a set amount of time. Don’t be in a rush to see results. A group endeavour hits problems due to there being too many so-called experts giving conflicting advice. Remember that you don’t have to stick around and watch the farce.
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