Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Wednesday 24th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 20th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You need time alone if you’re going through emotions you’ve never felt before. Get to the root of what’s causing the envy, excitement, anger or paranoia to understand yourself. If you’re concerned about negative thoughts, try to treat the cause and overcome the feeling. In controlling your reactions you will avoid arguments and ease the situation. If it is love, happiness or elation, don’t feel guilty about being feeling that way. Enjoy every wonderful moment.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Someone feels they’ve done a good job of making a start on a joint venture; you don’t think they are doing enough. Conflict over joint responsibilities puts you in a difficult situation. You don’t want to fall out over this but you don’t want to be left in a position where you do all the work and they get all the credit. An agreement needs to be reached. Building trust is something you also need to do. Find a way to be more open with each other.
Gemini (May22/June21) If you truly love someone and they need more freedom, you will willingly let them go. Your hope is they will return to you and that’s why should let them know the door will always remain open. If your relationship has veered off course and there has been a lot of tension between you, let your partner see you are serious about wanting to make changes for the better. Today it’s important to make romance a priority.
Cancer (June22/July23) Do you follow your heart when you have done so in the past and later regretted it? At the same time you can remember other experiences where you trusted your instincts and it all turned out right for you. Every situation is different and every relationship has its own special qualities. You can analyse till the cows come home but you will still feel the same way about it, no matter what your mind is telling you. So save time and trust your heart.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Sulks or walking out on you could be someone’s way of protecting themselves if they find their emotions hard to deal with. You might feel ready for a good argument and if that’s the case it might be advisable to do something physical to get rid of your pent up anger. Ranting and raving is not going to resolve anything. Your partner will have had the best idea in walking away as they will come back all smiles when they do return.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You might want to take another look at a proposal recently received that you haven’t had time to consider. Details are complex and for this reason you prefer to study them carefully before making any comments. You aren’t being stubborn, awkward or uncooperative by insisting on taking your time to make important decisions. Those who act on impulse often later regret it. Perhaps they could learn a lot by observing your more cautious ways.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Shop around if you’re buying a car, computer or equipment for the home. You could eventually find the items you hope to buy at price you will want to snap up immediately. Because you have done your research you will know a good bargain when you see one. Take a partner or trusted friend with you if you are attending an important meeting. They could notice something you have missed that could be worked to your advantage.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Waiting for someone to get back to you about something you discussed together seems like a waste of time. Or you might be hoping for a text message or email after a first date that suggests you meet up again. How long are you prepared to hang around waiting for other people to make a move? Don’t just stand on the sidelines waiting when for all you know, they’re out having fun. Either send that message yourself or start pursuing other possibilities.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If you choose to share personal information with a friend, be sure they agree it will go no further. If someone asks you to trust them but you aren’t sure you can, take it nice and slow. Share a small secret no one else knows but that won’t harm you if it does get out. Time will tell if it goes any further and slowly you will grow to trust them, or be wary.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A friend’s advice makes perfect sense and helps you see a matter that has been troubling you in a totally new light. You’ve been worrying too much about something that may never happen or a situation isn’t as bad as your mind has been making it out to be. After this emotional storm cloud, you will be glad of the chance to relax with friends. You will even see the funny side when earlier on all you could see was trouble.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Start to encourage someone to stand on their own two feet instead of relying on you to make all their decisions. At first they might resent your suggestions, but when they come to accept you won’t always be as available as you have been for them, they will start acting on their own initiative. Very quickly their confidence will grow and they will then appreciate why you had to be cruel to be kind.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You don’t feel able or willing to put up with a relationship or situation any more. You know it will never work. You have put enough time and effort into this and if someone isn’t being cooperative or won’t listen to you, there seems to be no point continuing in the same vein. Let others know you are moving on. If they want to stay stuck in circumstances that are doing them no good, let them get on with it alone.
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