Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Thursday 25th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 20th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A friend who keeps reminding you of a partner’s wrong doings is not helping ease your feelings of hurt and betrayal. To be honest you could do without having supportive friends around you when it would make life easier if they dropped the subject and gave you a chance to sort out your thoughts yourself. Others might think you are a little odd, but you aren’t yet ready to give up on a relationship just because one of you has made a mistake.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) After a good deal of research and deliberation you feel ready to enter into a new alliance. Whether this is for business or strictly personal reasons this partnership will open doors that have been closed to you in the past. A devious colleague or neighbour could be spreading rumours they know to be untrue. When you challenge them about it they will be quick to insist they did not mean to cast aspersions on anyone.
Gemini (May22/June21) They seem to think they can get away with it when someone gets into the same kind of dilemma time after time. Whether it is to do with the foolish mistakes they keep making or risks they’re always taking, they always come to you to help them back onto their feet. This could be what’s making it so hard for them to learn from their mistakes. They need to be told you won’t be there for them anymore. Next time, leave them to sort their problems out for themselves.
Cancer (June22/July23) A situation baffles you and is causing you sleepless nights. You have been through a similar dilemma but every time it happens it gets more difficult to deal with. If this involves another person and they’re acting as if it isn’t a problem or they couldn’t care less about it, you need to decide how important this relationship is to you. You need to be in one accord if you are to resolve joint issues or what is the point of continuing together?
Leo (July24/Aug23) Adapting situations to pursue new goals will be easier than getting people to change. If there is something you’re determined to achieve, you might rearrange some of your usual routines to make it easier for you to work towards it. Asking others to change their ways to accommodate you won’t go down very well. If they see you making new arrangements, they too might eventually make changes in their lives without being asked, to adapt to your routines.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A neighbour or colleague’s demands are taking up too much of your energy. You love seeing people happy but isn’t your happiness important too? Someone doesn’t mean to be unthinking but they seem to have forgotten that friendship involves giving as well as taking. They aren’t a selfish brat and you aren’t a selfless saint. You’re both just human. Remind them gently of all you have done and are doing for them and how this is starting to exhaust you.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You admit it if you have made mistakes but a partner doesn’t seem to want to know. There is only so much apologising and grovelling you can do. If there is no way they are going to forgive, forget and move past this, you need to look at other options for this relationship. It’s no use pretending you aren’t bothered about what’s going on because you are and sooner or later you are both going to have to face up to reality.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A friend’s attention seeking behaviour is irritating and exhausting you. Whether they’re constantly snapping at you or giving you the cold shoulder, they’re making it obvious they want more attention. You’re giving them quite enough of your time. Some people seem to think they are the centre of the universe and everyone should revolve around them like planets around the sun. Only you are ready to veer out of their orbit.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Stop and think about it if a partner makes a decision or acts without your approval. Firstly you must decide whether you have a right to object or are they perfectly entitled to act without asking you? Just because you are in a relationship it doesn’t mean you can dictate what they do. If on the other hand they’re breaking a joint agreement, then they are letting you down and you aren’t expecting too much in hoping for an apology.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Keep things in proper perspective as someone will have a tendency to exaggerate out of all proportion. Local issues come under discussion; some situations aren’t half as bad as those who are using scaremongering tactics would like people to believe. Don’t be forced into a decision that others encourage because they think their views are the right ones. Someone who has a tendency to make a drama out of a crisis should not be allowed to get their own way.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Just because you are in a situation where an authority figure has the last word, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to think. You can still come up with ideas, make suggestions and in some cases, take the initiative. Other people expect and value your contribution in a joint effort. You may not be in the driving seat but you are taking part. You may slightly resent having to answer to another but your turn to take the lead will come.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Although you won’t advocate what a colleague has done, you can understand why they felt it necessary to cut corners. If the workplace has been chaotic of late with everyone rushed off their feet, it seems inevitable that some people are going to rush to get some jobs done and make mistakes. The only way this situation can be resolved is either to reduce everyone’s commitments, get in some extra help or prolong deadlines.
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