Sunday, October 7, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Monday 8th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 6th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Opposites attract and you could find yourself intrigued by someone who is unlike you in many ways. Initially you will enjoy debating your different viewpoints. You might be amused by their comments and behaviour while thinking you would never really get on with each other, but very soon you will discover you want this relationship to thrive and because you are so very different, they will continue to amaze and surprise you.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) New duties could mean working in a new department that isn’t half as pleasant as your previous situation. For the small difference in pay you’re starting to wonder whether it is worth it. The intention was for you to work your way to a better department but somehow you seem to have taken a backward step. If you aren’t able to get your old job back you may have to seriously consider looking for a new employer.
Gemini (May22/June21) You agree with what some people are saying but you can also see it from a different point of view. This makes it hard to give a firm and honest opinion. You wish you could have multiple options but the situation is: there can only be one choice and once you’ve made it, there is no going back. Knowing that someone hopes you will go along with them doesn’t make this any easier. They will be disappointed but you must make your own mind up.
Cancer (June22/July23) Being stood up on a first date is not the end of the world and should not be allowed to dent your confidence. Don’t waste your time worrying about why someone let you down. You hardly know them and it’s unlikely you will see much of each other again. Circumstances that make no sense to you at the time will continue to confuse if you keep thinking about them. Instead you should be concentrating on the things that really do matter.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Keep your eyes open and be ready to grab the great opportunities coming your way. If you feel as if you’re missing out on all the best events, you’re spreading yourself too thinly. Focus on one or two areas that are important to you. This will mean you’re more likely to be around to take up the best offers. You could be chosen to take part in a glamorous celebration but you need to be available when someone is looking for you.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Restrictions or regulations may not apply to your circumstances if you read the small print again. Your initial impression is that you don’t qualify for a rebate, allowance or funding but further research will suggest there is nothing stopping you from applying. If you think such confusion is a rare event, you will be mistaken as you aren’t the only one who has almost walked away from something you could well be entitled to.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) From long experience in dealing with a certain kind of situation, you are the ideal person to manage a dilemma today. Others will automatically turn to you, respecting your skills and knowledge. In normal circumstances you may have hesitated, not wanting to look like you are taking over, but it will soon become obvious no one else knows what to do and everyone is relying on you to show them the way.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You are disappointed in someone who said they would get back to you about an important matter, but haven’t. For whatever reason they decided to leave you hanging, what matters is that you recognise they aren’t going to give you the information you need. You must find it elsewhere. It may have been to another person’s advantage that they managed to stall you for a while but they will soon discover such tactics won’t work on you in the long-term.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If you find yourself stuck for words when you’re with someone you’ve just met, ask about their interests. If you discover you share similar likes and dislikes, this will help break the ice. Once you do get talking, you will probably never stop. Are you single? Why not join a group or society where like-minded people can meet to share experiences as this will improve the odds of you finding a compatible date.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Someone’s living conditions or family situation is very different from your own which comes as a surprise. You may have worked or studied together for years without realising you come from very different backgrounds. This goes to show how true friendship comes from the heart and is not influenced by outside circumstances. There is so much more you have to learn from each other and a lot you still have to look forward to.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A sob story recently heard preys on your mind. You wonder how much was the truth and what percentage was fabrication. Have you been too hard on someone who genuinely needed your help? Or were you right to be wary about how much you gave them? If a friend has been worried about losing their home due to being behind on their rent, to ease your mind, check they’ve sorted it all out.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Discourage a friend who has recently broken up with their partner from rushing too quickly back into the dating scene. If they’ve been seeing a different person every night, this is their way to prove they have got over their ex when it’s obvious they’re still hurting. Suggest doing something together that has nothing to do with romance to get their mind off their problems. Sport or exercise will help them get negative emotions out of their system and would do you some good too.
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