Saturday, November 3, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes : Sunday 4th November 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You aren’t going to see a lot of action or activity if someone’s feeling miserable and doing their best to hold everyone back. Even if you do get on with some ideas without them, knowing you have their sulks to return to will ruin any pleasure you’d hoped to get out of it. Try to resolve relationship issues as early in the day as possible. If you and a loved one must look at recent problems, this should not be to place blame but to discuss possible solutions.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A partner who is prepared to make sacrifices because they care for your happiness and comfort is a one in a million. Don’t let them get away. You might be feeling nervous about visiting in-laws for the first time or meeting a new lover’s friends or colleagues. You aren’t the only one feeling that way. Once you get together, the atmosphere will be cheerful and welcoming with everyone feeling relieved that everything’s going without a hitch.
Gemini (May22/June21) You never run short of topics to talk about when you and a friend meet up. In the time you’ve known each other you have discussed every movie you’ve watched, every book you have read and every place you’ve been to. The one subject you never talk about is relationships. This is because you both have very different experiences in this respect. One of you is half of a happy duo and the other is single. Some aspects of your personal lives you’d rather not reveal to each other.
Cancer (June22/July23) How many ways are there to show your love? It won’t be hard for you to be creative if you sense your partner is feeling down and needs a little pampering. Poetry, music, flowers wine: a surprise gift can do a lot to give someone a lift. Offering to do your partner’s share of the household chores when they need a break or taking them a cup of tea while they’re studying lets them know you care.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Your natural charisma and magnetism draws people to you like moths to a flame. Social events will put you in touch with some charming people and if you’re single, you won’t be short of romantic admirers. Someone who is as handsome as they are charming will offer to put in a good word for you in high places. While you might admire their looks, you need to wonder about their motives.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Joint plans are discussed and this gets you thinking about all the wonderful ideas you’re hoping to follow up in the future. A wide range of interests will keep you and your loved ones occupied over the months ahead. If you’re a dab hand in the kitchen, find new ways to delight your partner’s taste buds by experimenting with new recipes. Invite friends around for a get together and a bite to eat. With you around, no one could ever complain about feeling bored.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Not everyone craves peace and harmony if it means hiding their true feelings from each other. A friend or partner feels frustrated by the way certain topics are always avoided so there is no conflict or controversy. An argument will not necessarily mean a relationship is doomed to end. In fact it could be the opposite because discussing feelings and discovering you don’t always share the same opinions could add a little spice to an otherwise boring union.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Whether you’re shopping online or out and about on the High Street and whether you’re buying luxuries or searching for a bargain, you can afford to be a little impulsive. You know a good offer when you see one and if you don’t snap it up, someone else will. Take advantage of a bargain and this will actually leave you with some cash to spare. Social prospects will perk up during the closing hours of the day.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Taking classes with a partner could add spice to your relationship. Learning a foreign language, furthering a joint interest or developing new skills will give you a little something extra to share when you are together. A course does not have to be taken for professional reasons. It opens the way for you to mix in new social circles and get more involved in group activities. Besides, it does you good for your mind to be on matters that have nothing to do with work.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) If you sense a new partner is a commitment phobe, think about what this will mean in the long term. There is no point continuing a relationship when you both have different expectations for the future. If on the other hand you feel you have something special together and with patience their views might change, continue as you are. The risk could be worth it but always remember there is no promise of there being a happy ever after.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) New projects you are thinking about are both exciting and challenging. A group or community outing is likely to offer you all with a lively and interesting time. If you were involved in the planning there is every chance others will be coming to you to ask that you arrange something similar in the not too distant future. This is proof if you are looking for it that the venture is a huge success.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re always thinking about other people before even considering yourself. You can’t blame a partner for taking advantage of your willingness to do all the giving when you’ve never given them cause to feel guilty. If you feel a relationship is too one sided, it won’t be possible to change joint habits overnight, but you could slowly work towards equality. Today, let others know you intend to indulge your own desires. It’s unlikely they will object.
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