Friday, November 2, 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b.3rd November 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 3rd October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're so dynamic you often leave others standing in the dust, but you can now make up for that behaviour by bringing helpful people along with you as you climb the ladder of success. This may apply in the workplace or play out in a family drama of some kind. The main idea here is that you act selflessly and with consideration for other people's feelings. You can do it! This is a good time to get organised and clear clutter, once you have streamlined your lifestyle there will be no holding you.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) The pleasures of peaceful pastimes, nature walks, good books and uplifting music are all integral parts of your recipe for a happy November. Contrary to your usual routine, doing things by yourself now seems to make life exciting, as you're intent on involving yourself in a few interesting situations along the way.  There is someone close who feels the same way as you about a whole host of issues and if you want to share your thoughts and ideas it could lead to a truly fascinating friendship.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) An interesting new opening or opportunity takes you by surprise as you travel through unfamiliar territory. You could find yourself in strange places with strange people, but you can weave your way through a maze of complications and contradictions. There are some genuine successes along the way, but make sure you don’t just go for what is quick and easy, if you aim high and stick to your guns you may have to work a little longer and harder but the end results will be well worth it.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You'll be getting more attention than you bargained if you air an unpopular opinion, but you will soon set the record straight with a kind gesture and a warm smile. Tell those involved what you hope to achieve with your next venture so they'll understand where you’re coming from. For a while you may not be on the same page, but eventually you win them over to your way of thinking. Don't reply too quickly to a request for cash, your kind heart could lead you into risky territory, and you could end up losing out.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Being too up front or bold right now could land you in hot water, so hold your horses for a wee while. On another front your willingness to do something of a charitable nature for a community cause wins you respect and a little praise too. Keep the lines of communication open so everyone knows where they stand and what's going on with you. There's one piece of information you'd do well to keep to yourself, as this secret's not really yours to share. Give emotional support to the one whose secret it is.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Put yourself first! It is important that you keep yourself in tip top form and let others look after themselves. Wanting to help someone isn't worth endangering yourself in the process! Work alone if you must, as you try to bring a project to completion; it's a good time to move things forward, but without calling any attention to yourself in the process. If home repairs are left for too long, you'll end up with a major problem, so take care of these chores as soon as you notice something's not quite right.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You'll avoid a sea of worries if you go through your finances now, and not spend beyond what you can’t afford. However tempted you may be, it's best to hold fire for the moment as another more pressing expense will soon pop up and you need to be ready to handle it. Don't be shy to ask lots of questions when a friend or family member approaches you to entice you into a scheme they're hatching. The whole thing is very suspect right from the start, so do what you can to set them straight.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You have no problem at all getting people to do what you say now, so put this energy to a good cause and you'll end up making a big difference to those whose needs are often overlooked. You're quite the crusader when you want to be! New romantic connections are possible at almost every turn, so you can afford to be choosy. If you're currently in a committed relationship, this is a fine time to renew your commitment or do something to infuse your lives together with excitement.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Not everything you hope to accomplish can get done this week, but you can make some progress. Don't discount the value of relaxation as it prepares you to face upcoming events in a better frame of mind. A few hours zoning out in front of the TV or listening to music while you're stretched out on the couch works wonders. You're on the brink of discovering a great new way to decide a domestic dilemma that’s remained unsolved for far too long and make things better for everyone. 
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Staying out of a row is better than poking your nose in where it's not wanted. You should spend the coming days getting on with your own life and making sure your own plans and projects are progressing smoothly. There are some interesting developments taking place on the social scene and they could have repercussions for your love life. It will be up to you to decide whether you want to enjoy a night out, take a friendship to the next level or just sit tight and have a quiet night at home.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Old fashioned values are the key to resolving issues between relatives or workmates. Don't begrudge anyone their views; just do what you can to lead them to see another side to the situation. Any attempts to force your point of view will meet fierce opposition, so don't make demands, or issue an ultimatum. You'll be surprised to get an unexpected invitation and you might want to turn it down, but if you take a chance and accept you could look back on this as a turning point in your life.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You get what you want by talking quietly, but convincingly and end up in a wonderful physical and emotional space. As you make your way from one event to another you move easily between different personal and professional settings, never appearing as if you don't belong there. People around you think you've got a secret, and they're right, but you're not about to share it. This is a good time to put money into an interest bearing investment account and watch your assets grow.
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