Monday, February 25, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 26th February 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 23rd February 2013


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It’s a good idea to keep your financial plans under wraps for the time being. If you’re planning to change jobs or embark on a new business venture, keep quiet. You don’t want to make a big announcement until all the details are squared away. It’s possible you will be moonlighting for another company, which your employer won’t like. In this economy, you have to do whatever you can to increase your income. Having two jobs will protect you from financial uncertainty. Nobody else needs to know about this double duty.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A wonderful party is on the horizon and you’ve got to get ready out of it. Take time out of your busy schedule to shop for a present for the guest of honour. While you’re at it, pick out an outfit that enhances your colouring and shows off your best features. Go ahead and spend a little more than usual. You’re overdue for a splurge. A friend will invite you along on a glamorous trip. Be sure to accept. You can always find a babysitter or dog walker later.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Your boss is impressed with your artistic ability and will give you a plum assignment as a reward. This is a chance to show off your talent. Once clients and customers get wind of your gifts, they’ll demand to see more. You’ve got a knack for anticipating the public’s tastes. Designing products and services that reflect these attitudes will be profitable. If you’re looking for a job, seek opportunities related to art, entertainment, or luxury goods. A glamorous position is coming your way.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Joining forces with someone who was born in a foreign country will be rewarding. You enjoy their expansive vision, while they appreciate your nurturing attitude. Together, you can write a book, create a travel guide, or craft an instruction manual. There could be good news coming your way if you’re involved in any type of official or legal matter. If you have spare cash go on a long distance trip. Visiting a beautiful country by the water will give you a new lease on life. You could use a change of scenery.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Take this opportunity to lure somebody into your web of intrigue. Whether you’re applying for a loan or asking for a first date is immaterial. The important thing is that you can convince anybody to do anything. Your prospects for success will be even stronger if you cultivate an alluring appearance. Do you have a lover? Let your amour wine and dine you. You’re a highly desirable partner and should be treated accordingly. A regal character like you has a tendency to shower loyal subjects with rich rewards.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Be on your best behaviour with your best friend, business partner, or lover. The more accommodating you are, the easier it will be to get what you want. Money, help, or just a little time away would be a good idea, so long as you resist the urge to be overly critical and stay gentle, kind and thoughtful. Even if your motives are beyond reproach, your loved ones have difficulty with your tendency to pick apart their work. You’ll attract more flies with honey than you would with vinegar.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) There’s never been a better time to treat yourself to a massage or spa treatment. Your body cries out for pampering. If you keep pushing yourself hard, your health will suffer. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and rejuvenate. If you’ve recently lost or gained weight, take this opportunity to go shopping. You’ll feel better about yourself if you wear clothes that fit well. Choose looks that enhance your favourite features and camouflage the trouble spots. Careful dressing will boost your confidence.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re about to embark on a honeymoon phase with the one you love. Even if you’ve been together for years, you will rediscover your passion for one another. Working on a creative project together brings out the best in both of you. Whether you’re redecorating your home, collaborating on a book, or making a film is immaterial. The important thing is to use your imagination at every turn. Taking a more creative approach to lovemaking is also advised. This is a great time to act out a fantasy.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your family wants to shower you with affection and who are you to argue? Although you hate being fussed over, it does feel nice to be loved. Let a relative prepare a special meal for you. Be sure to attend a big reunion, even if you have to rearrange your schedule to accommodate this meeting. You’re a highly independent creature, but need the support of your kin nonetheless. Stop taking your relatives for granted and show them the respect they deserve.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your boss will send you on an errand to pick up some specialised merchandise. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t pick up a substitute. Ask the shopkeeper to order it for you or go online yourself and search for the exact thing you need. As a last resort, you can call your employer and develop an alternate plan. The person you’re dealing with has very specific demands. By doing everything in your power to meet these needs, you’ll put yourself in the position for a promotion.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Treat yourself to a few luxuries. As a general rule, you’re impervious to material goods. Recently you passed a shop window that made your heart ache with desire. Go ahead and treat yourself to some pricey toiletries, jewellery, or fashions. Pampering yourself makes work more endurable. You’ve been toiling away at a demanding project. Feeling a little more comfortable and glamorous will take the sting out of those long hours you’ve spent at the office. There’s more to life than just sacrifice.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Starting a diet, updating your hairstyle, or revamping your wardrobe is strongly advised. The more attractive you are, the easier it will be to find love. Normally, you don’t rely on your appearance to attract romance. Recently, you crossed paths with someone who was so alluring that it inspired you to play up your own looks. You’ve been blessed with some very good features. Why not use them to your advantage? Besides, when you look good, you radiate confidence and attract all sorts of good fortune.
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