Sunday, February 24, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 25th February 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 23rd February 2013


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your health is delicate, so don’t weigh down your body with rich food and intoxicating beverages. Nourishing soup and green salad will give you the necessary energy to complete your tasks. If you’re simply too exhausted to go on, take a day off. Be sure to spend it in bed. Taking this opportunity to run errands will make it more difficult to bounce back from a minor ailment. Take care not to blurt out a friend’s secret to a nosy relative or neighbour.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It’s hard to tear yourself away from a pleasant activity, but you must. Friends are counting on you to help with an odious project and you can’t back out now. Furthermore, your money is running out. You simply have to go back to work to replenish your bank account. Put yourself on a strict budget until your financial reserves are replenished. If you keep spending money like it’s going out of style, it will be difficult to pay your bills.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Dwelling on the past is holding you back. You’ve got to let go of your resentment, pain, or obsession. Stay focused on your present circumstances, pausing to enjoy blessings you ordinarily take for granted. Pretty soon, you’ll start making plans for the future. Don’t rely on a relationship to bring happiness. You have the capacity to be content all by yourself. It’s simply a matter of filling your life with the activities you love most. Stop trying to please others; in the long run, it just won’t work.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A heated exchange with a friend, relative or neighbour makes you very upset. You hate arguing, but sometimes it is the only way to clear the air. Hidden resentments are rising to the surface. You never realised you were the victim of jealousy. The truth is, you’re incredibly talented and any rivals or competitors are envious of your ability to cut through work like a hot knife through butter. Because of this, you have accumulated some secret enemies. You’re about to learn who your real friends are.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A source of income will come to an end, which is distressing. A security conscious person like you needs a steady income. Right now, work will be scarce and you need to learn to live within your means. This means making existing resources stretch further and shopping for bargains. There’s no shame in being frugal. A friend who vows to get you a job may not be able to deliver on their promise. Try not to take it personally. Nothing is certain in this economy.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You’re incredibly emotional. It feels like you don’t know what people want from you. Instead of responding to their needs, start making demands of your own. You are a hard worker and devoted friend. If your boss expects you to spend every spare moment at the office, it’s time to set them straight. To be a productive employee, you’ve got to have a rewarding personal life. Similarly, your best friend or partner needs to understand your career ambitions.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You feel isolated and alienated and it’s no wonder. Colleagues are shutting you out of an important project. If you’re unemployed, it feels like your friends are too busy to spend time with you. Alternatively, an illness may stop you from joining everyone on a fun filled outing. The educational opportunities you crave are elusive and it feels like you’re stuck in cement while everyone else is gliding forward. Keeping a diary can be therapeutic. You need a place where you can voice your opinions freely, without fear of censure.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Friends aren’t offering the support you expected, which is bewildering. You’ve always been there for them during times of trial. Instead of dwelling on your heartache, do something special for yourself. Go for a spa treatment instead of splurging on someone’s birthday gift. Back out of a dull party and spend time on a creative project instead. Do something utterly selfish to restore the balance of life. If you don’t put yourself first, nobody else will, either.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’re tired of an authority figure picking on you all the time. No matter what you do or say, you can never satisfy this taskmaster. Instead of doubling your efforts, seek to suit yourself. Devote your time to a home improvement project. Learning to do a repair job yourself will be diverting. Your best friend or lover won’t give you much encouragement. Take this opportunity to show how multi-talented you really are. It’s about time people stopped underestimating you.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’re frustrated about a lack of training or experience. Unfortunately taking a course to add to your qualifications may not be possible. You need to compensate for these shortcomings by emphasising your leadership ability. Don’t be afraid to admit your ignorance and reach out to colleagues who have superior training. By treating them with respect, they’ll help you achieve success. Naturally, there will be a little resentment on the part of your fellow workers. Earn their respect by working hard and going the extra mile whenever possible.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A power struggle is driving you to distraction. You hate arguing over an inheritance, refund, or insurance payment. Relinquishing claims to this sum will deprive you of much needed resources. You have every right to this money, but the opposition feels they can take it from you. Dig in your heels. If you need to hire a lawyer, do it. You might have to pay them a retainer, but that’s better than walking away from funds that are rightfully yours.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your best friend or lover will do something that really upsets you. Their behaviour creates a great deal of inconvenience for you. You’re tired of being the only one to make sacrifices in this relationship. Perhaps this is a sign you need to get off on your own. A psychic person like you is very sensitive to their environment. By leaving stressful surroundings for more tranquil ones, you’ll get a handle on your feelings. It’s time to issue an ultimatum.
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