Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 20th July 2013 ::: July Monthly Horoscopes
Click photo to enlarge - more photos by j nichols
the street where I lived as a child
Published with the consent
Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
PO Box
WA15 8YL
Main Office - 0871 872 2590 (option 1)
Fax - 0871 872 2591
(Mar21/Apr20) Overeating could have drastic effects. You’re better off
eating small meals throughout the course of the day. Choose lean
proteins, fresh produce and whole grains. Fat, sugar and alcohol will
wreak havoc with your system. Ordinarily, you have no trouble bouncing
back from a binge. That won’t be the situation now, when you’re not on
tip top form. Err on the side of caution. It’s boring, but it’s better
than being laid low by digestive problems.
(Apr21/May21) You’re having a wonderful time, but all good things must
end. Prepare to change gear and participate in a group effort. The team
needs your input. You’ve always been good at finding practical ways to
execute new ideas. If you’re not on hand to supervise a project, it will
go off the rails. You can always return to your life of leisure when
work settles down. Refusing to respond to the call of duty could cause
permanent damage to work relationships.
(May22/Jun21) Buying household goods isn’t advisable. You’ll find much
better prices on furniture, artwork and other domestic goods during a
sale. Conserve your resources for a time when they will stretch further.
A youngster may need a stern lecture more than a shoulder on which to
cry. If you instate consequences for bad behaviour now, your young
friend will avoid serious trouble later on. Be firm but fair. Exercising
discipline is a form of love, although it may not be experienced that
way at first.
(Jun22/Jul23) Someone will ask for your honest opinion, but secretly
just wants to be flattered. It’s better to give a noncommittal response
than issue a constructive criticism. If your friend keeps pressing you
for details, refuse, claiming you can’t be objective. You don’t want to
jeopardise your relationship. It’s possible there is a cross cultural
dynamic at work. What seems polite to you is rude to your friend and
vice versa. Maintain a diplomatic silence. When it comes right down to
it, some people are too sensitive to handle the truth.
(Jul24/Aug23) You don’t need a lot of luxuries to be happy. If you’re
feeling tired or depressed, resist the urge to fill the void with
expensive goods. Instead, find ways to make other people’s lives
happier. Take soup to a sick friend. Run errands for an elderly
neighbourhood. Volunteer for a charitable organisation. When you give to
others, you breed contentment. It’s an unwritten law of the Universe.
Staying away from your favourite stores and online shops can also help.
(Aug24/Sep23) If you need a favour, don’t beat around the bush.
Complimenting someone and then asking for help will just create
resentment. Cultivating better relationships with your colleagues is
critical to your success. Does it feel like you’re being unfairly
singled out? Ask the leader of the clique out for coffee. Enquire about
ways you can break the ice. It could simply be a matter of sharing
responsibilities. A capable person like you can often make others feel
obsolete. Strive to make everyone feel valued.
(Sep24/Oct23) There’s more to a work conflict than it seems. Two
colleagues who are romantically involved may set you up for a fall.
Protect your interests at all times. Keep copies of all of your email
correspondence. If you have to make personal phone calls, do it on your
lunch hour and use your own mobile. You never know who is monitoring
your behaviour. It’s sad that you have to take such extreme precautions,
but it’s a sign of the times.
(Oct24/Nov22) Friends are buying things that are beyond your financial
means. Try not to be jealous of their lavish lifestyles. A resourceful
person like you needs to have a little money in the bank to feel secure.
Being up to your eyeballs in debt will drive you to distraction. If you
have a lot of bills to pay, consolidate them. Lower the interest rate.
Pay everything off in monthly instalments and do your best not to incur
any more charges until you’re in the black again.
(Nov23/Dec21) It’s more important to know your stuff than convey a
glossy image. If you’re out of your depth, get additional training.
Alternatively, you can call upon an expert who can handle an important
job for you. Nobody will hold it against you if you ask for help. You
might even be surprised at how excited a colleague becomes at the
prospect of teaching you. That’s because you’re famous for having an
incredible depth and breadth of knowledge.
(Dec22/Jan20) You long to escape the drudgery of daily chores, but it
simply isn’t possible. If someone asks to accompany them on holiday,
summon your strength and refuse. Your family needs you nearby to handle
some important tasks. Try not to despair. You will have a chance to go
away later. Until then, feel free to armchair travel with books and
movies set in exotic locales. There’s nothing wrong with daydreaming
during your free time. One story may inspire you to visit a country you
never considered visiting before.
(Jan21/Feb19) This isn’t a good time to go on a wild spending spree.
Emergency expenses will put a big crimp in your budget. If you owe a
friend or relative money, your first obligation is to repay them. You
may not realise it, but your loved one had to make some personal
sacrifices to provide you with these funds. Besides, you have to keep
your good name intact. The last thing you want is to have people think
you are a waster.
(Feb20/Mar20) You may be giving too much to your best friend or
romantic partner. It’s only natural for a generous person like you to
lavish loved ones with gifts, favours and kindness. There comes a time
when the well runs dry. At that stage, it becomes painful to part with
emotional and financial resources, because you have so few of your own.
Unfortunately, your partner may have become so used to being spoiled
they have taken your generosity for granted. Break the cycle.
Click photo to enlarge - more photos by j nichols
the street where I lived as a child
Published with the consent
PO Box
WA15 8YL
Main Office - 0871 872 2590 (option 1)
Fax - 0871 872 2591
You cannot be happy if you fill your mind with needless worries, keep your thoughts simple & peace & happiness will follow.
— Spiritual Truths (@TheGodLight) June 26, 2013
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