Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 20th July 2013 ::: July Monthly Horoscopes
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the street where I lived as a child
Published with the consent
Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
PO Box
WA15 8YL
Main Office - 0871 872 2590 (option 1)
Fax - 0871 872 2591
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Don’t let your sensual side get out
of control. You have to make an important decision that shouldn’t be driven by
physical desire. Adding a member to your household will give daily life an
exciting energy. You’ll be eager to return home after a busy day at work. A
promotion or high profile job could be offered to you after an executive leaves
the company. Prepare for your job to assume a more creative aspect. Resist the
urge to give someone a piece of your mind when it’s not necessary.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) This isn’t a good time to get into
arguments about religion or politics. Stick to innocuous subjects like the
weather, books and movies. A flirtatious text or email from an admirer fills you
with intrigued excitement. The two of you could embark on a passionate affair,
if you’re so inclined. You’re attracted to their expertise, while they admire
your refined taste. Stop listening to your inner critic, which is trying to
prevent you from taking a risk. It’s time to take a gamble.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Try not to be too bossy with your
family. Just because you have a certain amount of authority outside the home
doesn’t give you license to push people around in your personal one. You’ll have
more money to spend on household goods. Go ahead and splurge on some furniture,
artwork, carpets, or curtains. Having a comfortable nest will prompt you to
spend more time on the domestic front. If you need a grant, loan, or
scholarship, apply now, while the stars are beaming extra
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Beware of getting swept up in an
angry mob. Changes should be made to a troubled institution, but only through
the right channels. A burst of energy could prompt you to launch a writing
project. You’ll enjoy delving into a beautiful fantasy world. Exercising your
creative skill will put you in the path of romance. If you have a partner,
they’ll be extra attentive. If you’re unattached you could meet someone special
in at a library or bookstore. Steer clear of an irritable authority figure.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You might be called upon to visit a
loved one who needs cheering up. Don’t let your own schedule get in the way of
doing the right thing. A passionate encounter puts a spring in your step that is
impossible to ignore. It will be down to you to make your mind up about how far
you want to take things. Count to ten before disciplining a youngster. Their
attention seeking behaviour is a sign you should spend more quality time
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Resist the urge to take a romantic
or financial gamble, it could lead to a heavy loss. You’re better off
concentrating on your social life. Throw a party for a friend who is celebrating
a special milestone. You have a knack for creating a festive atmosphere that
brings people together in a spirit of fun. Don’t quit a job until you have
another one lined up. It’s always easier to find employment when you have a
position. A friendship could become romantic if you are so inclined.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Damage to your home could require
major repairs. It may be necessary to relocate while this work is being
performed. Making important decisions will become increasingly easier. You’ll
make a good impression at a conference. Your boss will appreciate your dignified
demeanour. Don’t let a jealous business or romantic partner undermine your
confidence. Bigger and better opportunities are on the horizon, provided you
stop looking to others for affirmation.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Beware of taking an officious
expert to task. Although they may know their stuff, they have a way of
presenting information that is very annoying. Take deep breaths and be patient.
You have a lot to learn from this person. Put their advice to work with a group
project. Knowing how to motivate various members of the team is critical to your
success. A health problem could be rooted in anxiety. Take up a relaxation
technique, like yoga or meditation and take time out for yourself.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Be entirely aboveboard in
business dealings or your professional reputation could suffer. If you’ve made a
mistake, it’s best to make amends as soon as you can. That way, you will protect
your position and avoid bad publicity. An intense physical relationship brings
you contentment. It’s important for an intellectual person like you to
occasionally shift the focus from your mind to your body. Don’t play fast and
loose with your finances. This isn’t a good time to buy expensive baubles.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Try not to be too insistent on
getting your way with a partner. Give and take is what’s needed now. If that
means walking away with less than you wanted, so be it. You can’t win them all.
A teaching or writing job will give you lots of pleasure. It will also heighten
your personal allure. You enjoy sharing your expert knowledge with eager
students. A domestic emergency could prompt you to neglect a close relationship.
You hate cancelling special plans, but it can’t be
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Getting involved in a behind the
scene struggle is a mistake. You don’t want to get pulled into a nefarious plan
or scheme. If someone approaches you with a sensitive work assignment, turn it
down. It’s not worth the money or trouble. Happily, you’ll be able to find
another position quite easily. Not only will this be enjoyable, but it will
allow you to work with an unlimited budget. Resist the urge to give a sensitive
colleague an honest assessment of their work.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) There’s no point trying to reform a
friend who doesn’t want to change. Ultimately, you may decide to go your
separate ways. Although you enjoy their company, you don’t want to get dragged
down by them. A passionate love affair fuels your creativity and imagination. An
emergency expense could knock your budget for six. Postpone a clothes shopping
spree until you’re solvent. Fortunately, your loved one will provide you with
plenty of pleasant diversions.
the street where I lived as a child
Published with the consent
PO Box
WA15 8YL
Main Office - 0871 872 2590 (option 1)
Fax - 0871 872 2591
You cannot be happy if you fill your mind with needless worries, keep your thoughts simple & peace & happiness will follow.
— Spiritual Truths (@TheGodLight) June 26, 2013
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