Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 21st August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 17th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It would be wise to suppress a strong urge to rebel. You’re tired of going along with the crowd, especially when the group doesn’t seem to be thinking clearly. Unfortunately, if you break ranks now, you’ll undermine your long term security. Continue to go with the flow. That doesn’t mean you should endorse a silly plan. Actually, your silence will speak volumes to an authority figure who is closely watching the team. Spending time on a creative project will be a positive channel for your energies.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You hate being bound by the stuffy conventions of a bureaucracy, but you have very little choice in the matter. Challenging the rules will only draw unwanted publicity. You ought to maintain professional contacts, not break them. It may feel hypocritical upholding the status quo, but the alternative is to put your career in jeopardy. Fortunately, your family understands the situation and will be very supportive. Turn to your relatives for guidance. A highly logical relative will offer valuable advice.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Don’t pay too much attention to what your friends think. It’s better to use your own value system. You might decide to turn down a lucrative job offer because of your ethical code. Cynics will say you’ve lost the plot, but they’re not the ones who will have to live with your decision. Most people will give you an added measure of respect when they see you sticking by your convictions. Money could be tight for the short term future, but at least you will be able to hold your head up high.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Changes in the workplace are making you nervous. You can’t take your situation for granted. If your job is in jeopardy, brace yourself. It may be necessary to dip into savings until you’re able to find another position. Are you living from paycheque to paycheque? You might have to ask a relative or lover for a loan to get you through this difficult time. Use this situation as an opportunity to rethink your saving and spending habits. A cautious person like you needs a nest egg.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It is time to set boundaries with someone who is trying to foist their beliefs onto you. You can no longer endure their smug sermons. By asserting your individuality, you could make an enemy of an influential colleague. Many people are threatened by your self-confidence and seek to bring you down a peg. Continue to go your own way, even at the risk of making a few enemies. Compromising your values for the sake of popularity simply isn’t your style.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Unexpected expenses will put a crimp in your social life. You won’t be able to accompany friends on an expensive trip after getting a big repair bill. Try not to dwell on your disappointment. Take this opportunity to enjoy some solitude. Rest and reflexion are critical to your emotional well being. Recently, you’ve undergone a very busy period. Burning the candle at both ends has taken a toll on you. If you keep going at this pace, you’ll suffer from burnout.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A romantic or business partnership is undergoing a rough patch. You’re not sure if you can even think of yourself as part of a duo any longer. Try not to worry so much about your social status. Focus on mending your heart instead. When a relationship becomes too intense, it’s best to get some distance. You have a tendency to lose your identity when you’re in the orbit of a powerful person. Reclaim your autonomy while you have the chance.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It may be difficult to find steady work, despite your expertise. Don’t let pride get in the way of accepting a temporary position. Having a source of income will keep anxiety at bay. You can always keep looking for a better job while you tread water in a situation that neither interests or stimulates you. The emotional demands and responsibilities of family life will also force you to put less emphasis on work. You simply can’t be everywhere at once. Something has got to give.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your love life could be causing a great deal of stress. You’re not sure where you stand with the object of your affection. This situation is making you irritable. Instead of devoting so much energy to someone who doesn’t return your affection, change focus. Catch up on your errands. Return phone calls and emails. Reconnect with close relatives and neighbours. Maintaining contact with people who appreciate you will boost your self esteem. It will also give you added insight to your troubled relationship.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Disruptions at home are causing problems in your personal life. You’re tired of asking your best friend or romantic partner to put up with all of this chaos. It may be time to put some distance between yourself and a troublemaking relative. Although you hate to turn your back on family, it’s sometimes necessary to preserve your own sanity. A recently arrived sum of money will be less than you expected. Adjust your spending habits accordingly. This isn’t a good time to acquire expensive luxuries.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Technological breakdowns can wreak havoc with your life. Be sure to back up files and take your car in for a tune up. If you have to do without a gadget on which you heavily rely, remain calm. Explain the situation to your colleagues, so alternate arrangements can be made. You wouldn’t want someone’s job to be affected because you’re unable to deliver materials in a timely fashion. Keep a paper list of contact numbers on hand, just in case electronic files can’t be accessed.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Impulsive spending can get you in trouble. Hold off on a shopping spree, as you will need money in reserve to cover emergency expenses. You might have to have a serious discussion with a youngster who is clamouring for an expensive toy. One of the best lessons you can teach them is the value of money. If you set a good example, they’ll acquire well founded financial habits that will last a lifetime. Set time aside in your busy schedule for some solitary reflection.
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