Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 29th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 24th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your conversation skills are at an all time high. Be sure to strike up a chat with an interesting looking person at a shop or restaurant. This is one of those times when talking to a stranger can be incredibly illuminating. If you’re feeling restless, schedule a short trip. A change of scenery will recharge your batteries and renew your zest for life. You know you’re in a rut when it’s hard to generate enthusiasm over small pleasures. Brooding just isn’t your style.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Indulge your love of luxury. Splurging on gourmet food, fragrant cologne or beautiful jewellery will bring profound pleasure. You’re tired of depriving yourself for the sake of frugality. Fortunately, it looks like you have a little extra money with which to play. It’s hard to connect with someone whose value system is opposite to your own. Try not to pass judgement on a newcomer. Their culture is radically different, so naturally their goals won’t be the same as yours.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You could be the victim of love at first sight. You’re highly attracted to someone who walks with a spring in their step. You’ll have to be the aggressor in this relationship. The object of your affection enjoys playing hard to get. Are you already in a relationship? Try to put your partner’s needs first. Although you want things to go a certain way, it’s better to defer to your amour. Love is a two way street; it’s time for you to yield.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Getting lost in a creative project is just what the doctor ordered. Although you’re very good at dealing with practical matters, grappling with these issues can take a toll. You’re tired of coming to everyone else’s rescue all the time. Sneak off to some private place where you can write, draw or play music without interruption. You’ve been blessed with an impressive imagination. Give it a chance to grow and develop. Your nearest and dearest will have to learn to fend for themselves.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You’re not interested in getting serious with an admirer. Keeping things friendly will be a challenge. Your charms are irresistible. If you sense someone is falling in love, maintain a polite but distant attitude. Breaking someone’s heart is not your idea of fun. Channel your energy in a more productive direction. Donating time and energy to a charitable cause will be lots more fun than you expected. You’ll enjoy working with a variety of philanthropists. Their positive energy will rub off.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) When you make a commitment, you will stick to it. This impulse is admirable, but it could get you into trouble now. An erratic employer has changed the rules of the game. Don’t agree to work extra hours or assume additional responsibility if that wasn’t part of the original agreement. It’s fine to help in a pinch, but there is a chance your employer is just trying to get something for nothing. Stand in your own defence.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your idealism attracts lots of romantic attention. Unfortunately, you want to be left alone. While it’s flattering that so many people crave your company, you must have some private time. Solitary activities like reading, writing and painting could actually restore your sociable spirit. If someone keeps pestering you to go out, explain you are putting yourself first. After you’ve satisfied your own needs, you’ll be more open to going on a date or attending a party. Sometimes you have to be selfish to maintain your sanity.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) An intense bond causes you to go above and beyond the call of duty. When someone you love is mistreated, you see red. You’ll try any means, fair or foul, to get revenge. While this instinct is admirable, it can also get you into lots of trouble. Curb your impulse to do something illegal or dangerous. The best revenge is to live well. Being a kind, attentive partner to the person who was wronged will be therapeutic for you both.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’re open to hearing all sides of a story. Maybe that’s why several people will come to you with their problems. Be kind, gentle and encouraging, even with the people who are their own worst enemies. Sometimes the most helpful thing to do is serve as a sounding board. Don’t repeat what you hear. You don’t want to get a reputation for being a blabbermouth. You can twist certain incidents to create a great scene in a book or screenplay.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Running errands for an ailing relative will relieve a great deal of their stress. You’re very good at breaking down complicated tasks into manageable steps. If things have spiralled out of control in their household, you might want to recruit some mutual friends to tackle the job. Try not to turn up your nose at the mess. It’s easy to let chores fall by the wayside when you’re unwell. Luckily, you’re strong and kind enough to tackle the job. Give yourself a gold star.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A love affair is heating up, which thrills you to the core. You hate to admit it, but you adore getting lost in your amour’s arms. Put some time aside for some serious snuggling. If you want to meet someone special, let a close relative or neighbour set you up on a date. You might be pleasantly surprised by this encounter. Are you already in a committed relationship? Then make a tender, sentimental gesture towards your partner. Candlelight and flowers will set the mood.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Putting a loved one’s needs before your own is a natural extension of your generosity. It gives you great pleasure to pamper them. Friends will be concerned you are losing your personality to an intense relationship. Before dismissing these comments, think things through thoroughly. When is the last time you did something nice for yourself? Have you been avoiding certain films, foods and fashions for the sake of someone else? The best way to build a relationship is to be yourself.
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