Friday, August 9, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 10th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 10th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) As a general rule, you tend to be very opinionated. Right now, you can see both sides of a complicated issue. It may be up to you to broker a compromise. The last thing you want is to waste time arguing when you could be working. Take this opportunity to bring the warring parties together in the spirit of progress. You can intercede when talks become overheated. You’ve always been very good at boiling down complicated issues to their bare essence.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Take better care of your health. If your energy is low, it may be due to your diet. Lean proteins, fresh produce and whole grains could boost your energy considerably. You might also want to get more sleep. Establishing a regular bedtime routine can also help. Struggling to stay awake at work is taking its toll on you. By making a few small adjustments, you’ll be able to breeze through your responsibilities and still have energy to enjoy your leisure time.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Take time out of your busy schedule for some intellectual pursuits. Pick up a book you’ve been meaning to read. Follow up on a friend’s movie recommendation. Spend an hour on a difficult crossword puzzle. Do whatever it takes to stimulate your little grey cells. When talking to a child, don’t patronise them. Using an adult tone will earn their respect. Think back to the way you wanted to be treated when you were their age. Children haven’t changed in this respect.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Organising a family gathering is a good use of your organisational skills. You’re good at tracking people down and finding the best places to convene. If you’ve been estranged from a certain relative, it may be time to bury the hatchet. Of course, you are the best judge of what sorts of relationships are worth your time and trouble. Just because you are related to someone by blood doesn’t mean you should spend time together. Be honest when assessing these ties. Cultivate the ones that uplift, nurture and support you.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) This is a good time to put your knowledge on display. Teaching a class or supervising a project appeals to your nurturing side. You love to recognise latent talent. Students enjoy working with you, because you give practical advice for improvement. You don’t weigh people down with half baked theories and hurtful critiques. When faced with a problem, imagine how your favourite teacher would have handled the situation. Their example will serve as an excellent guide. When you’ve considered the rest, try the best.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your insights about a moneymaking opportunity are right on target. You should pursue this job so long as you are able to earn a regular salary. Working for a commission will backfire. You need a steady income more than a series of windfalls. Are you content with your job? Think about selling your creative work for a profit. As an Earth sign, you are a natural craftsperson. The fruits of your labour are both useful and beautiful. There will be a big market for them.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It feels good to be surrounded by people who appreciate your creative talent. No wonder you’re positively glowing. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at this organisation. You’re especially drawn to an artistic type with a larger than life personality. The two of you could make a great couple so long as you defer to your partner’s big ego. Are you already in a relationship? Shower your partner with compliments. You know exactly what buttons to push to make them happy.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Trust your instincts when dealing with a public relations problem. Being a sympathetic listener is half the battle. Customers need to know their opinions are valued. Some of these complaints are unfounded or unfair. You’ll be able to make that decision later, when you have a chance to weigh up the options in private. Your boss will appreciate your grace under fire. A promotion could be forthcoming. At the very least, you should ask for a nicer work space.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Spending time with intelligent person raises your own game. Don’t be insulted if someone challenges an assertion. By working together, you can develop a good idea into a great one. It’s just a matter of taking your ego out of the equation. If you’ve been coping with a legal matter, you will have a chance to settle a case out of court. Seize this opportunity, even if it means making some concessions. It will save you lots of time, money and aggravation.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It’s hard to resist the charm of a glamorous sales person. Try to remember their interest is purely professional. A lot of money can be made by appealing to your ego. Put up your guard when you are given a persuasive pitch. You must conserve your resources. It may be necessary to replace a car or computer sooner than you think. You’ll be glad you resisted the temptation to purchase a luxurious bauble that doesn’t have much practical use.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Expanding your education is a worthy endeavour. Of course, you’ll have to put your ego aside for the sake of acquiring more knowledge. Defer to an instructor who has an impressive background. The two of you may disagree about certain things, but that shouldn’t affect your relationship. Take care to show your respect in the classroom. You may need this teacher’s support when it comes time to apply for a job or get a spot on a much wanted course.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) This is a good time to discuss joint finances with your business or romantic partner. Normally, these conversations are a little tense, because money is a metaphor for power. By taking emotion out of the equation, the two of you can formulate a smart plan for the future. It’s important to have something to show for your hard work. Start putting some money into a savings account. Avoid the temptation to dip into this fund prematurely. It should serve as a hedge against economic uncertainty.

3 Patos embalses del Guadalhorce Ardales Provincia de Málaga Spain

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the street where I lived as a child 
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Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
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