Friday, September 13, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 14th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 15th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’ll easily outperform any romantic rival. That’s because you have a knack for impressing others with displays of courage and talent. It’s hard for any rival to steal your thunder. If you’re already in a relationship, continue to court your partner with sentimental gifts and seductive behaviour. Keeping the passion alive will be an enjoyable and worthy pursuit. Beware of provoking an authority figure that is looking to make an example of an unsuspecting underling.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) This is a wonderful time to show off your artistic talent. Don’t be surprised when someone who was previously indifferent to your charms develops a crush on you. You’re never more attractive than when expressing your creative side. An oppressive teacher or political figure will wear on your last nerve. Resist the urge to tell this blowhard exactly what you think of their boorish behaviour. Have an excuse to leave ready when their company becomes too much to bear.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A romantic interest will ask you for more than you are willing to give. At this point in your relationship, you prefer to keep things casual. You’re not ready to lend your favourite possessions or give extravagant gifts. Be honest about your feelings. A group of friends will invite you on an impromptu outing. Getting a change of scenery will be a welcome change of pace. Lately, you’ve been bogged down with a lot of work responsibilities. Take a break.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Going on holiday with your amour will reignite the passion that first brought you together. Head for a beautiful waterside resort that will soothe your worries away. You have a tendency to fret when you’re at home, worrying about all the little tasks that are required to run a comfortable household. If you’re single, you could find romance on a journey. Steer clear of a power hungry professional who is always bragging about their demanding career.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Showing off your superior knowledge attracts lots of romantic attention. You have a marvellous sense of flair that turns heads. Take care not to upstage a colleague who is trying to make inroads with a newcomer. You already have a sizable fan club. It would seem selfish to add another person to your string of admirers when your fellow worker is looking for love. A loving relative will give you a generous gift. Be sure to write a heartfelt thank you note.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Beware of letting a salesperson talk you into an expensive luxury purchase. There’s a good chance you can find the same item at a much lower price after shopping around. Trust your instincts regarding a crush. If you think someone returns your interest, you’re probably right. Throw caution to the wind and make the first move. It’s fun to take control of the situation. You’re tired of waiting around for the other party to summon their courage and ask you out.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) There’s no point arguing with a stubborn relative. All the facts are on your side, but they’ll still fail to take your advice. You’re better off satisfying your own needs. Going on a shopping spree will be lots of fun. You’re long overdue for some luxuries. Go ahead and buy yourself an outfit or piece of jewellery that you’ve been eyeing for weeks. It’s sure to win lots of compliments. Admit it; you love making a splash at parties.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your animal magnetism is at an all time high. It will be no trouble at all making someone fall in love with you. Be careful when selecting your victim. It would be shameful to break the heart of a young innocent. Set your sights on someone as cunning and clever as you. The two of you will have fun playing cat and mouse together. A career opportunity is heading your way. Have a portfolio of impressive work samples ready. Preparation is critical to your success.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Power struggles over money will erupt among friends. Resist the urge to borrow or lend money. It will only lead to heartache. You’re an independent creature who hates having your financial security tied to anyone else. If you need additional funds, go to a bank or lending institution. Applying for a home loan, grant or scholarship will be successful. Filling out the paperwork will be annoying, but this will be a small sacrifice for all the funds you will receive.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Don’t contradict an authority figure, even if they have their facts wrong. You won’t win any friends by embarrassing them in public. Focus on having friends instead. Going on a short trip for pleasure will be a welcome relief from all the work you’ve been performing. After taking this trip, you may decide to relocate to a lively neighbourhood. Being in the centre of the action will prevent you from feeling isolated. It’s not healthy for you to live in seclusion.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Someone has been flirting outrageously with you, but you’ve been slow to notice. If a close friend seems to be spending an inordinate amount of time with you, it’s a sign of a crush. Don’t be so quick to discourage their interest, as the two of you could make a great couple. A difference in incomes shouldn’t deter you from embarking on a relationship together. Fortunately, you’re too relaxed and open minded to engage in that kind of thinking. Take a chance on love.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your ability to blend in with the crowd will give you access to an exclusive organisation. Take this opportunity to get to know an influential spiritual, educational or artistic figure. This alliance will open doors for you, both personally and professionally. A jealous friend will disapprove of your choice of romantic partner. Don’t bother defending yourself. Nothing you do or say will change their opinion of your partner. An exciting job is worth pursuing, but be advised the competition will be fierce.   . 
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