Friday, September 13, 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes W.B. 14 September 2007

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 7th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You know you can be a bit bossy at times. Take a friendlier, more cheerful approach and you'll find people are happy to do what you ask. The whole atmosphere changes when everyone works together in high spirits. A range of relationship issues come into play this week as friends and family all want something different and you struggle to figure out how to meet all their needs. You won't be able to say “Yes” to everything so be sensible and pick and choose where and when to take action.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Take your time making a decision. You're about to do something out of character and will make people wonder what you’re thinking. Although it will be fun to push the boundaries of convention for a change, do it knowing there will be consequences. You're energy is high as the week begins and you're keen to get to work on something new. If you have an issue to settle with anyone, don't discuss it with others. Talk to those involved, away from listening ears, and sort things out privately.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Put a little fun into your routines by surrounding yourself with more helpful, upbeat people. Find simpler, easier ways of doing things. An inventive friend could be instrumental in putting together a plan that would be useful to you and to others with similar issues to deal with. If you feel like treating yourself why not head to a favourite club or restaurant with friends to wrap up the week? It will be the ideal setting for you to take centre stage and play the leading role in a night of fun and laughter.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) News you've been waiting for is late arriving, don't do nothing while you're waiting. There are things you can do till you get the information you want. In the end you'll find things turned out better because of the delay. Take your time before signing any legal papers. Agreements quickly entered into are difficult to get out of if you signed on the dotted line. Do more research before you take the plunge. Whatever events you face now, keep your sense of humour. There's a lot to laugh about.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A difficult decision will be made easier thanks to news that comes your way in the days ahead. It's a kind of vindication to know you were right about something and now others agree. Your social life gets a boost when you run into someone from your past. The two of you are sure to find yourselves reliving and reminiscing about the good old days. A personal project develops nicely. If you were thinking about furthering your education in a specialised area this is a good time to take a course.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You'll not work your way out of a sticky situation using methods you used before. Talk with someone who has gone through this sort of thing in the past; their advice will be invaluable. Be sensitive to the feelings of a close friend. They're basing a significant decision on how they feel right now instead of considering the long view. A quiet chat can help you help them get things in perspective. Both of you will need to make some adjustments in your relationship. If you can do it gracefully all will be well.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Get your week off to a good start by taking care of chores at home. Use a practical approach to cleaning and repair work. Don't tackle anything electrical if you don't have the proper training. The sparkling place you create will be perfect to show off to friends and family so invite them round. If career concerns are on your mind, get advice from a counsellor. Take a course or explore employment opportunities. Don't dismiss the possibility of taking a part time situation to gain experience.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) This is a good time to get things done, whether around the house, in the garden or at work. You can make headway with any special projects or hobbies as well. Pay attention to little things that often escape everyday notice, like the wiring on your electrical appliances or dated, dowdy decorations. You've got family members on their toes trying to keep up with you. A romantic connection is likely as your dreams bring fantasies you'd like to explore in real life. You could attract one this week.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Friends you've not seen for ages pop into your thoughts. You've remembered them for a reason and likely connect those memories with good times. If they all know each other, imagine the reunion you could put together. You show what you're made of when something unusual happens and you have to step up and lead. Your quick response and attitude impress everyone. Now you've got a reputation to live up to, as what you did will be talked about by people who don't even know you.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Try to see the lighter side of life rather than let hassles and headaches drive you to distraction.  Others might lose their temper, but you should handle things calmly and logically. Laughter is contagious and before you know it you’ll have those closest to you will be laughing too. Necessity will be the mother of invention later in the week when unexpected events mean you will have to do some quick thinking and deal with a purely practical problem by being inventive and innovative.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Professional plans and projects are in focus as you take on a job that puts you on the road to success in double quick time. Matters relating to building, home improvement or property management go well. It's a good time to acquire property or securities if that interests you. Stretch the limits of your imagination and think of alternative ways to solve stubborn problems that don’t seem to be going away. Don’t be afraid to take radical action it could be the best and quickest way to sort things out.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Being with family seems more important to you now. You're dealing with a need to feel the kind of warmth that comes with emotional closeness. Only people you know well can provide that. Professional concerns cloud your horizon as situations at work are challenging. You have the necessary know how to work through this, so apply yourself. Your efforts will be noted by the right people and remembered when it's time to move someone up a notch. Having a sensible health routine is important.
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