Friday, December 6, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 7th December 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 7th December 2013 ::: December Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Working with a partner can be fulfilling. You’ll have to keep your aggressions in check, for your comrade won’t appreciate heavy handed tactics. Instead, you’ll make much more progress by taking a gentle, diplomatic approach. This can be a challenge for a forthright character like you. If you keep the big picture in mind, you’ll be able to make the most of this union. It’s more important to maintain a friendly relationship than get your way all the time.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Someone with your specific skills is needed. You might have to perform work at a discount. Although you’re a big believer in getting paid what you are worth, you are civic minded enough to realise some situations merit charity. Do the best you have with the materials you’ve been given. This bit of philanthropy will pay off sooner than you think. People respect your willingness to help the most vulnerable members of the community. More lucrative offers will pour in soon.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You radiate animal magnetism. Don’t be surprised when a number of admirers start milling about the immediate area. If you’re single, this poses an exciting opportunity to find love. Are you in a relationship? Be mindful of your partner’s feelings. Flirting is fine, but you should put the lion’s share of your activity towards your amour. Arrange a special outing for just the two of you. Reconnecting over a candlelit dinner will rekindle your passion for one another.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You’ve always been emotional, but your feelings are even more powerful than usual. Relatives are wearing on your nerves. Instead of trying to control their behaviour, focus on your own reactions. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. If a family member continues to heap abuse on you, cut the relationship off. There’s no reason to be subjected to this kind of abuse. Are you dealing with a wilful child or absent minded parent? Set some firm boundaries.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) If there’s anything you can’t stand, it’s lazy thinking. Be ready to challenge somebody who refuses to question authority. Their lackadaisical attitude is creating more work for you. By drawing attention to their refusal to think things through, you’ll force their hand. You should stop yourself getting emotional when making your remarks. You don’t want to seem like a bully. Until you voice your frustrations you’ll continue to see lacklustre results. Be honest and accurate in your appraisal.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You may not have the necessary resources to carry out a plan. Finding a new source of income is imperative. Put all of your extra money into savings, where it will eventually finance your dream. It may take a long while to earn all you need, but that won’t be a problem. You’re willing to do whatever is necessary to attain success. Turn a deaf ear to cynics who think you are wasting your time. They’re just jealous they aren’t as diligent as you.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Put a plan into action, even if you have no previous experience in this field. You always learn best by practicing trial and error. After you hit upon the best method for reaching your goal, you’ll see tremendous progress. Have you developed a crush on someone special? This would be a good opportunity to confess your feelings. You’ve always had a tendency to be the one who is pursued in relationships. It’s time to put the shoe on the other foot.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Don’t let suppressed resentments get the best of you. Just because you never forget a slight doesn’t mean you should become victim to your anger. Find a healthy channel for your frustration. Exercise is an excellent way to release pent up emotions. Even a brisk walk can bring relief. Creative pursuits are also therapeutic. Painting, writing and dancing are all good avenues to pursue. A vivid dream could bring the inspiration for a compelling work of art. Keep pencil and paper by the bed.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You have no intention of fitting in with the crowd. The more unusual your pursuits, the happier you are. Others think you’re odd for leading such an offbeat lifestyle, but they’re secretly jealous. You never worry what people will think. That’s probably why you’ve always got a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Arrange a fun outing for you and your most adventurous friends. Marching to the beat of your own drum is fun, but it does get lonely.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’re more determined than ever to reach the top of your profession. If this means putting in more hours at the office, getting additional training or earning an advanced degree, so be it. Take care you don’t alienate loved ones in this quest for success. Friends and family want to spend quality time with you. This can be inconvenient when you’re working towards a lofty goal. Try to keep this resentment in perspective. Nobody likes being neglected, even for something as important as work.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You long for adventure and excitement. Trying something different will shake off the boredom that has held you prisoner. It may be necessary to scale back other responsibilities to accommodate a trip or hobby. Don’t worry about letting others down. You should put your own interests first or burnout will ensue. Although you’ve always been community minded, there needs to be a limit to your generosity. It’s simply not healthy to live for everyone else at the expense of your needs.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A show of courage boosts your reputation. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth to someone in power. Lately, many people have been suffering under someone’s autocratic rule. By confronting this tyrant, you’ll tilt the balance of power in the right direction. Yes, you will be branded as a troublemaker. That’s better than being a collaborator. Your peers will bring much needed emotional and practical support while you do battle with the powers that be. Be ready to fight for money owed to you.
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