Friday, December 6, 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes for Saturday 7th December 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 7th December 2013 ::: December Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It is becoming increasingly important to reach a healthy balance in all of your relationships. Let your partner, colleagues or best friend make decisions about what you will work on, where you will dine and how much you’re going to spend. It will be good for your partnership. An exciting opportunity to travel could be on the cards. Make sure your passport is up to date. If you want a home loan, be sure to apply for one now, as you could get a terrific interest rate.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’ll be working hard on all sorts of projects. Don’t be surprised if you do twice as much work as the people around you. You’re very good at making cool, detached decisions in the twinkling of an eye. Trust your intuition regarding a romantic relationship. Trying new things together can keep your mutual passion alive. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at an outdoor event. This is also an excellent time to sign a contract, especially if it means more money.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Your personal magnetism attracts admirers like a flower brings bees. If you’re in the market for love, you will have your choice of partners. Chances are you will choose someone who embodies charm, wit and sophistication. Are you already in a relationship? Plan a fun vacation for just the two of you. You’ll enjoy exploring a fashionable or cultural city together. A good job will be offered to you. Ask for a higher salary than the one initially offered. You just might get it.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Getting a little more independence on the home front will come as a relief. Take this opportunity to delegate chores to relatives and roommates. Normally, you enjoy pottering around the house. When you live with other people, it’s important to share the work. If this doesn’t happen, the homemaker’s work can be taken for granted. If you live on your own think about paying someone to do the heavy cleaning. This will give you more time for the creative pleasure you enjoy.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) This would be a great time to upgrade your phone, computer or car. With a little wheeling and dealing, you could get a terrific discount on quality merchandise. Keep your eyes open for great sales and rebates, as they can radically reduce the cost of an expensive item. You’ll be able to make good use of your expert knowledge when you’re asked to give a talk or lead a seminar. Trust your instincts when dealing with an older person who is stuck in the past.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You’re extremely competitive, especially when it comes to money. Getting paid a good salary is important to you, as it is a reflection of your worth in the marketplace. If you have special skills and expert knowledge, charge properly for it. You may not attract as many clients as cut rate rivals, but the ones you do get will be doubly appreciative. An unexpected inheritance or dividend is on the way. Spend this money on a project you’ve dreamed about since childhood.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Express your thoughts and plans with courage and conviction. You’re the most talented person in your group. It isn’t necessary to field ideas from people who are new to the mix. Entering a competition is strongly recommended. Don’t be surprised when you walk away a winner and pocket some prize money. Your best friend or romantic partner is urging you to take a course. Acquiring a new skill will put you in line for better jobs than you’ve ever had before.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re no stranger to working behind the scenes. It’s easy to be productive when you don’t have an annoying micromanager breathing down your neck. If you’re creative, this would be a wonderful time to work on a novel, painting or design. Don’t show your work to anyone in the early stages. A well intentioned colleague could throw you off track. A job offer will be made out of the blue. This could be a good opportunity for you to pay off any debts and build up savings.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Working with a group lifts your spirits. You enjoy getting input from colleagues who see issues from a different perspective. It also helps you know when to listen to feedback and when to follow your own instincts. It’s a rare talent that earns respect. If you’re in the market for love, you could find it where you least expect. Take extra care with your appearance, even if you’re running to the shops for a bottle of milk. Shared resources allow you to take a relaxing trip.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It’s up to you to carry a project across the finishing line. You may have to urge lazy colleagues forward. The more demanding you are, the better the results will be. People respect leaders who won’t accept second best. It’s also important to apply the rules evenly. If someone is slacking off, make your displeasure known. Give plum assignments to the hardest working members of the team. Your best friend, business partner or lover will get a raise. Go out and celebrate.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Taking a break will be a great change of pace. You’re tired of doing the same things over and over again. You have an opportunity to explore a country that is both naturally beautiful and cultural. It’s a great combination for you. Take advantage of last minute deals on plane tickets and hotel rooms. If you’re willing to be flexible, you can save an incredible amount of money. Leave a little in the budget for souvenirs, as you’re sure to find some interesting mementos.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You will have to be the assertive in a physical relationship. The object of your affection is too shy to express their desires. Fortunately, you have excellent instincts about when to make the first romantic move. Are you already in a relationship? Go above and beyond the call of duty for your amour. They’ll appreciate a dramatic gesture of appreciation. Help from a financial institution will allow you to purchase property or go back to school. Don’t be daunted by a lot of forms.
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