Sunday, August 11, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 12th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 10th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) There’s no point arguing with a moody relative. Everything you do and say rubs them the wrong way. What your loved one really wants is to be coddled and pampered, but you’re not in the mood. Turn your attention to someone who is more straightforward about their needs. You’re tired of walking on eggshells all the time. If you’re living with someone who is constantly on edge, you might want to make other domestic arrangements. Their anxiety is starting to rub off on you.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’ll be sorely tempted to snap at someone with a bad habit. Instead of saying something in the heat of anger, invite them out for a casual lunch. Bring up the subject in a direct fashion. Describe their behaviour and suggest ways for adapting it. The more diplomatic and constructive you are, the easier it will be to reach a compromise. Suffering in silence has taken a toll on your work. This situation has got to stop before more damage is inflicted.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Keep your valuables under lock and key. When you park your car, stow possessions in the trunk. Even a shopping bag could tempt someone to break in. It’s better to be safe than sorry. The same goes for your personal belongings at work. Although you hate to be mistrustful, you also don’t want to become the victim of identity theft. Find a secure place to stow your credit cards and driver’s license. Others will wish they had followed your example when disaster strikes.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Imposing your will on others will fail. You’ll have to work within the confines of a difficult domestic situation. Someone with special needs simply can’t do the same jobs as everyone else. That means a heavier work load for you. Instead of stewing over the situation, come to terms with it. Think back to a time when you needed additional help. If you’re totally overwhelmed, think about hiring an assistant or home health worker. Keep an open mind about your options.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Operating beneath the radar can backfire disastrously. Don’t perform personal tasks while you’re at work, even if you think nobody else knows. If you’re caught, someone could make an example of you. The last thing you want is to look for a job in this tight economy. Besides, trying to keep your behaviour a secret is exhausting. It’s better to concentrate on one area of your life at a time, instead of frantically multi-tasking. If you’re overwhelmed with personal responsibility, ask a relative or neighbour for help.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It’s time to tell a friend to back off. Your loved one has been exerting undue pressure on you. For a while, you were able to handle their teasing in a gracious fashion. Now you’re worn down. Tell them to stop these tactics or you will be forced to break off your friendship. That sounds drastic, but it really does feel as if you’ve been backed against a wall. People don’t realise how serious you are when you issue a polite refusal.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Attempts to enforce the rules will backfire. Everyone is intent on doing their own thing. You’re tired of hearing yourself admonish adults. Giving up the battle will result in chaos. Get tough with someone who is intent on defiance. If you have to throw them out of the building or ban them from accessing materials, so be it. Sometimes you have to make an example of the worst offenders to keep everyone else in line. Don’t be afraid of being unpopular.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) If you are forced to deal with someone who continually treats others poorly, keep your distance. Have they done something illegal? Then report their activities to the authorities. In the final analysis, you’ll never be able to get this troublemaker to change their ways. Some people are intent on causing strife. Appeals to decency will just fall on deaf ears. The sooner you learn this, the less distressing life will be. There’s no point wasting your energy on scoundrels.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You may be tempted to stray from a committed relationship. Think about how your amour would feel if this dalliance were discovered. Could you really bear inflicting so much pain on an innocent victim? Instead of satisfying your physical needs with another person, try spicing up your existing relationship. Are you single? Arguments over group funds will erupt. You won’t be happy with the final decision. Maybe this is a sign you ought to go solo. You have better things to do with your hard earned money.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A legal dispute will end badly. If you’re trying to recoup money, your best bet is to go through informal channels. Appeals to an authority figure’s conscience can be effective. The threat of publicity can also work wonders. In the end, you might have to cut your losses and move on. A costly court battle will just further drain your resources. If you’re paired with an obnoxious colleague, ask your boss to be reassigned. It may take some time to grant this request, so be patient.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Trying to rush through work could result in a careless error. Take your time, even if it means missing a deadline. If you’re not sure whether you’re doing something correctly, ask your boss for guidance. There’s a chance they’re out of their depth, too. If worse comes to worst, you can always look up examples on the internet. Having a template is half the battle. Instead of going out with friends after hours, opt to go to bed early and catch up on sleep.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Roughhousing could result in an injury. If you play contact sports, you might want to stay on the side lines. Accidents can happen quite easily, especially if you don’t wear safety equipment. Don’t take the bait when a friend dares you to do something. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain. A younger person needs sensitive handling. Arguing with them will only make matters worse. Listen to what they have to say, it could surprise you.

Circuito Campillos. El karting con el trazado más extenso de España

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the street where I lived as a child 
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Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
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1 comment:

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