Sunday, April 8, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Monday 9th April 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 9th April 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You won't miss what you haven't had. Before jumping into something new just to get a taste of whether or not you'll like it, think about the long term costs. Is it a convenient time to start a relationship or are you likely to have to cancel future dates because of a heavy work load or study program? You might assume you can have a little fun then forget all about it but it won't work that way. Once you get a taste of something you will want more!
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You're letting the way someone constantly misunderstands you bother you too much. You know they're being deliberately awkward so why don't you tell yourself to stop worrying? You will get over it. Think of all the time you are wasting running around after everyone trying to explain yourself. Of course life would be great if everyone agreed with you but that's never going to happen. Don't blame yourself because things aren't working out as expected.
Gemini (May22/June21) You have a way with words; use this talent to express your innermost emotions. Like a flower bud bursting into bloom, your feelings will blossom into words. Friendships grow closer and more harmonious and in romance, your partner cannot fail to realise just how deeply you care. Expect to discuss new possibilities for the future. Let your thoughts flow, express your ideas and you will gain masses of loving support and understanding.
Cancer (June22/July23) Try not to take everything that is said to you and anything that occurs around you too personally. Taking life with a pinch of salt may be too casual an approach to the situations you come across these days. But it would help keep you calm if you were to be less emotional. Keeping a sense of humour and being able to laugh at yourself will also be an advantage. It isn't good to cling to old habits which hinder rather than help your progress.
Leo (July24/Aug23) A forthcoming event should not be the only thing in your thoughts; you should also live for the present. Be happy to live one day at a time because each day will have enough to keep you busy and keep your mind occupied. Today is here for sure, tomorrow is a hope that may or may not happen. Try not to waste your day waiting for it to pass in the hope of a better tomorrow. Make the most of what you have.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Bend with the wind; other people need to see how adaptable you can be. If someone decides to change existing plans, unless it's important to stick with the status quo, go with the flow. If others want to experiment with new methods, keep tabs on how successful these are likely to be. By measuring any progress made to see if there is a chance of making it work, you will be able to offer good advice when asked for it.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Have plenty of options up your sleeve when it comes to shared activities. People will promise a lot but when it comes to the nitty gritty, some will fail to deliver. If you've made contingency plans, you won't feel so upset or bothered if anyone lets you down. You're also less likely to lose your cool and say things you may later regret. It will fall to you to entertain those who are being especially difficult. Your efforts will pay dividends in the long run.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) People in a group setting will break out of their normal roles to accomplish something as a team. As reluctant as you may be to swap places with others, there will be no one at the end of the day who will feel they haven't got something out of it. Your social popularity will soar as you discover you have talents in areas you hadn't expected. This evening, you will happily pander to a loved one's whims; they deserve a little pampering.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Too much of a good thing isn't always good for you; know when to call it a day. The glass does not have to be overfilled for you to know that it is full. Continuing to pour into it will only be a waste. When life is enjoyable, you don't want the fun to stop. Even so, at some point you need to recognise when you have had your fill and it is time to stop and find something more productive to do.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Favours you do for others will tend to benefit you too yet their gratitude is overwhelming. Whether or not you stand to benefit you would have done it for them anyway. All the fuss and praise will embarrass you. If someone is struggling with anything and you can help, you couldn't just stand back and watch them suffer. A friend shows surprise at how strongly you understand them but you have been there before.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You find yourself in a managerial role; it's hard to work out how you got there. People will recognise and respect your leadership powers and your strong sense of fairness. While you're keen to keep everyone right, to guide, advise and help out, who is looking after you? Ignoring your own needs is never healthy. Watch yourself or you will get so caught up in your responsibilities to others that you won't know when to stop.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Stress can make problems seem bigger than they are. You're getting all worked up over money problems and other concerns that shouldn't be upsetting you. Take a few deep breaths, calm down and listen to someone who is pointing out that many chores you see as essential can be put on the back burner. Find a way to switch your mind off your worries. Learn to play an instrument or try dabbling with art.
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