Monday, April 9, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 10th April 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 9th April 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) There's a need to put the finishing touches to plans already on the drawing board. It has always been hard for you to curb your enthusiasm when new projects are about to begin. You're itching to get going but the more cautious members of your team will very sensibly hold you back. Finish what has already begun. If you tackle the work in a practical and logical way, you will make a better job of it. Before you know it, you will get the green light to move on.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Try to read between the lines in conversations with a friend or colleague who is trying to tell you something important but is struggling to find the words. Your mind is only half on this conversation and you could miss the subtle signals they are sending you. It might be worth suggesting meeting up later when you can give them your full attention. If you are longing for the opportunity to experience something new, your wish will soon be granted.
Gemini (May22/June21) Friendships can only become strong if there is trust and loyalty and if you really care for each other. The chance to show how much you care could come your way. Prove you will be there for someone in both storms and sunshine. If this is a fairly new relationship, bonds will not be formed immediately. In time, you will develop a greater understanding for each other. Rest assured, a new friendship or romance is moving in the right direction.
Cancer (June22/July23) Advice is offered for free; even if you don't want to hear it, at least be polite when you tell others so. Someone is telling you the opposite to what you want to hear. You don't want to admit that a lot of what they say makes sense because this will also be acknowledging you're wrong. No one will be annoyed if you change your mind, in fact they will respect your mature handling of the situation. Flexibility and humility are two qualities to hold onto today.
Leo (July24/Aug23) There's a need to regularly weigh benefit versus cost and effort while involved in a long term activity. You have a habit of getting stuck in routine when you should be questioning whether what you are doing is of real value. Once you reach the stage where the gain is less than the effort, move on to something else. Equally, keep in touch with how your family and friends are feeling. You can't simply decide everyone is happy and everything is fine if you haven't asked what people think.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) First impressions may not hold true. Wait before making judgements about a situation or appraising newcomers to your world. A partner or colleague will not be in the mood for anything routine or conventional. They won't expect you to go along with all their suggestions but if you won't at least consider some of their ideas, or you could miss out on an interesting opportunity. Be tolerant of anyone who shows a different attitude to the routine aspects of life and living.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) There's a big difference between lacking emotions and suppressing them. It makes sense to hide your feelings when you're feeling vulnerable or if you think a competitor will take advantage of the fact you aren't at your best. Someone in your world is in an extremely inquisitive frame of mind. It is natural to hesitate before allowing a stranger to get too close. If there's something about someone that makes you nervous or suspicious, trust your instincts.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Confusion in a loving relationship is due to you not being able to understand each other's attitude to an emotional matter. This may concern children, in-laws or an ex-partner. You're both getting upset. Neither of you want to argue yet you can't agree. It's pretty normal to be misunderstood by those who are closest to you, occasionally. Your best solution is to let the matter drop, then return to it at a later date when you've both had a chance to calm down.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Take the line of least resistance if you're having a problem with an older relative or neighbour. They are set in their ways and no amount of reasoning will get them to change their mind. You may have to allow others to help you make them realise their views are unrealistic, out dated or irrational. The sooner you ease the awkwardness of this situation, the sooner you can get back to the previous more harmonious relationship you used to have.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) New acquaintances recently made are keen to meet up with you again. Your social life lights up when all of a sudden you have so many invitations to so many events you feel spoilt for choice. As much as you're enjoying new friendships, don't forget friends of old. Someone who knows you well challenges you to try something unusual. They don't expect you to say yes. Show others and prove to yourself you can dare to be different.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You are giving your all to keep a relationship strong but it doesn't seem to be enough. Someone's making you feel bad about yourself because you aren't always around when they need you, but how would they feel if you weren't there at all? Just like power cuts draw attention to how dependent we are on having electricity with a flip of a switch, there are times when people don't appreciate what they have until it's gone.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) No more excuses: get those long delayed financial matters such as insurance, tax and current accounts out of the way. This could be an ideal time to end old financial conditions in preparation for new and more appropriate ones. Someone in your social or professional life is also keen to make a few changes. In these areas, be flexible. You may need to show a breadth of vision when hearing some of the ideas being put forward for consideration.
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