Monday, October 15, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Tuesday 16th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 13th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Try to accept responsibilities you aren’t keen on but are necessary in a mature and philosophical way. The rewards for taking this attitude will be well worth it. You could gain surprising support for some personal efforts from unexpected quarters. Challenges you take on give you the chance to make good use of your inner resources, making you realise you have qualities others look up to and admire. If you’re out to impress someone, you’re going the right way about it.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A new partner can’t seem to get beyond the relationship they had with their ex. Or a friend will keep comparing you with other people and this makes you uncomfortable. You are who you are and if someone doesn’t like that, the best thing they can do is find someone else to complain about. Dealing with mature, intelligent people who respect your opinions without accusing you of trying to cause an argument, is far easier.
Gemini (May22/June21) Friends and colleagues are totally engrossed in their own affairs. Take advantage and you will get a lot of work done while there are no distractions. You may need to keep your nose to the grindstone but time will fly by. You might use your talents to break into a new career field in the future. After a day in your own company you will be glad to join up with a few friends, this evening.
Cancer (June22/July23) Plans refuse to work as they should and arrangements keep breaking down. If you prepare for a frustrating and rather disjointed day you will feel more able to cope. A new project you had shown a lot of interest in could be dogged by mishaps and disappointments every inch of the way. Eventually you might all decide it isn’t going to work and there are other more profitable ways of spending your time.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You can learn a lot from people who have had experiences that are vastly different from your own. Some time taken to look at your personal limitations will bring a deeper awareness of your abilities and greater confidence in yourself. You are starting to realise your true potential. Future plans and aims that are forming in your mind will quickly become a reality as you team up with someone who has the knowledge and skills to help you achieve your goals.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A lack of cash or sudden receipt of a huge windfall can overwhelm your life. You will meet people who say they can help you deal with financial and emotional chaos, but how do you know you can trust them? Seek the advice of those you have dealt with in the past and who have proved through their actions they know what they’re talking about. If you’re already confused, don’t invite more things to worry about into your life.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You don’t want to invite arguments or confrontation but you do feel some people are taking you for granted. How do you stop yourself feeling like a pushover when someone seems to think you should be constantly at their beck and call? The more you do for them, the more they expect from you and this does nothing for your self esteem. You already feel the pain of a broken relationship because you know this is where it is heading.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Sharing a secret with someone you thought you could trust could come back to haunt you. They might hint they’re telling you something confidentially but half of what they say is probably false, anyway. So watch what you say when you’re together. Someone is hoping you will support them in what they think is an exciting new endeavour. It actually holds no interest to you. Are you really willing to forsake your happiness just to please them?
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Accepting help will mean giving up on the hope to be totally independent in some areas. Weigh it all up and it will probably make a lot of sense to accept assistance. A task will be easier to do, quicker to handle and less of a burden if you’re willing to work alongside someone who knows what they are doing. You can’t expect to be completely self sufficient all the time.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It takes all kinds to make this world and you respect that others have a right to their own opinion. What will annoy you is when someone tries to push their views onto you. Can’t they accept you don’t agree with them and aren’t interested in what they have to say? If anyone hopes you will change your mind about something, constantly pestering you is not the right way to go about it. It’s a day when you won’t suffer fools gladly.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It’s worth seriously thinking about signing up for that training course you are interested in. Or you might be considering going back to the classroom to gain further qualifications. If you’re worried about the expense, future opportunities as a result of new qualifications will more than compensate for the training costs. Your mind is on distant horizons but you must take action if your body is to follow. Find the energy to turn your ideas into something tangible and worthwhile.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Controversy between you and a partner is not over a trivial matter and that’s why you need to talk it over. Wait until you’ve both had a chance to think about it and stay calm while you discuss your views. You might be trying to decide where to eventually live if you’re moving home or moving in together. If you haven’t yet found a place that suits you both, keep looking. Eventually you will agree on a compromise.

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