Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 8th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 3rd August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Be open to constructive criticism. Although you are one of the most capable people in your organisation, there is always room for improvement. Of course, there is always a chance someone will make some petty remark out of sheer jealousy. When this happens, just smile and let the comment roll off your back. There’s no need to waste valuable energy on such pests. Right now, you do have an opportunity to do better than ever before. Think through a colleague’s helpful suggestions.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’ve got a great memory for names and faces. Use this to your advantage. Your total recall makes a great impression on customers. By enquiring after their pets and children by name, you’ll pave the way for repeat business. These days, the world is filled with chain stores that have impersonal service. By adding such thoughtful touches to your professional routine, you’ll become the top performer in your field. Set yourself apart from the crowd by taking an interest in the people you serve.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A difficult decision must be made. It looks like you’ll be given the job of delivering bad news. People can rely on you to dispatch these duties with deft precision. That’s because you never let emotion get in the way of progress. If you have to take drastic measures to save the group, so be it. Give yourself a small reward for doing everyone else’s dirty work. It’s a good opportunity or excuse to treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting for quite some time.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Trust your common sense when assessing the value of merchandise. Don’t waste your money on cheap, shoddy products. You’re better off holding out for something that is made with quality ingredients or materials. Yes, you’ll have to spend more, but you’ll be much happier with the result. Critics will mock you for wasting money, but they’ll end up asking to use your possessions when their own fail to give satisfaction. Whether you’re generous enough to share is up to you.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You will have to make a quick decision, which is sometimes difficult for you. This is one of those instances when it’s better to make a choice now, if only to save time and money. Mistakes can be corrected later. People are counting on you to give a project an enthusiastic green light. Until you do, they will be forced to wait and worry. If you’re not sure how to operate a technical gadget, ask a young newcomer to give you a crash course. They’ll be happy to help.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Beware of falling for a hard luck story. If you want to be a force for good in the world, donate your time or money to a respected charity. That way, you know your hard earned cash will be used prudently. A friend who keeps taking advantage of your good nature needs to be stopped. Don’t be so quick to answer their phone calls and texts. Don’t feel you must respond if these cries for help occur in the middle of the night. You have to establish healthier boundaries.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You’re an excellent judge of character. That’s because you assess people on their actions, not their words. Anyone can make a lofty promise. It takes an honourable person to fulfil their vows. If you think a friend’s romantic interest isn’t worth their time, voice your concerns. After you’ve said your piece, back down. Some people are so blind when it comes to love that it is impossible to talk sense into them. When this relationship goes wrong, you will be the first person your friend calls.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your powers of concentration are especially strong. This is a great time to master a complicated subject. While others flounder, you pass every test with flying colours. If you play your cards right, you could earn extra money by tutoring other students in class. Are you in line for a high profile job? Be sure to emphasise your ability to see the big picture. Your future employer is looking for someone who can be trusted to manage a big team.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You have no problem saying exactly what is on your mind, even if it offends people with delicate sensibilities. Secretly, most of your colleagues agree with you, but would never dare say it. They want to win favour with the powers that be. This puts you out on a limb. You wish everyone were as honest as you, but that’s unrealistic. Never regret your determination to be truthful. If problems do occur, you’re always on record as having seen them coming on the horizon.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Someone will share highly sensitive information with you. Keep this secret under wraps. By demonstrating you are trustworthy, you will be given an important work assignment. Changing pace can be difficult for a tenacious person like you. You would rather focus on a job until it is complete, but you won’t have that luxury with an emergency situation. Stop what you are doing, adjust your priorities and turn your attention to an assignment that requires immediate attention.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Take a principled stance when faced with a moral dilemma. Bending the rules for a friend could get you in a lot of trouble. It’s better to be fair and even handed when dealing with the public. If someone at home or at work is annoyed by your refusal to give them special treatment, stand firm. Explain that they are putting you in jeopardy. If they continue to give you a hard time, you may want to put some distance between you and someone you believe is manipulating and self seeking.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) If you don’t have anything nice to say, remain silent. A hypersensitive colleague says they want your opinion, but all they really want is praise. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to give any, thanks to their lacklustre performance. Have a noncommittal response ready. The last thing you need is to get embroiled in a destructive war of heightened emotions and hurt feelings. If you’re looking for work, take care to fill out an application as completely and accurately as possible.

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the street where I lived as a child 
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