Thursday, August 8, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Friday 9th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 3rd August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Tidying up your work area is strongly recommended. It’s hard to be productive when you’re surrounded by chaos. Stow paperwork into a filing cabinet or storage boxes. Go through your email and delete old messages and texts. While you’re at it, sort through your voice mail. When you’ve cleared all the clutter, you can add some decorative touches to improve your living space or working environment. It is important you feel at ease with yourself and your surroundings so start work now.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’re lavish in your affections. Fortunately, the object of your affection appreciates all you give. The two of you could enjoy a passionate interlude after sneaking out of a stuffy gathering. Are you single? You’ll attract many admirers. Ultimately, you’re only interested in joining forces with someone who shares your values. If a relative offers to set you up on a blind date, accept. You will be thrilled with the results. As much as you hate to admit it, your family knows you very well.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’re the nurturing force in your family. A relative who feels vulnerable and adrift could use some emotional support. The simple act of cooking a favourite meal or handing over a family heirloom will be much appreciated. You might have to spend more than you anticipated on an appliance or home repair. Take comfort in the fact this will be money well spent. You might have to cut back on luxuries to make up for the shortfall, but you will barely feel the pinch.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A change of scenery will do you good. Although you generally prefer the comforts of home, domestic life can have a tendency to be stifling. Taking a short trip to a destination known for its natural beauty will be therapeutic. If you’re not able to get away, do a little armchair travelling. Rent a movie that is set in an exotic location. A temporary escape from daily drudgery will uplift and refresh you. Updating your diary can also help dispel depression.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Take this opportunity to enjoy some sensual pleasures. Buy something special for yourself or spring for some luxurious bed linens. Enjoy a gourmet dinner and leave room for dessert. If you’ve been feeling low, choose some cologne that makes you feel youthful and energised. Satisfy as many of your senses as possible. When you’re not sure what to pick, trust your instincts. They won’t lead you astray and they could put you in the ideal position to make a move you’ve always wanted to.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Normally, you’re quite shy and retiring when it comes to romance. That won’t be the case now your desires are stronger than ever. Going after the one you love appeals to your competitive side. Even if you’re in a long term relationship, you should make it your mission to make your partner fall in love with you all over again. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a party. Be sure to wear something special to a gathering, even if it’s a casual affair.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Try not to be oversensitive. If someone makes a sarcastic joke at your expense, laugh it off. Displaying a good sense of humour will deepen people’s respect. You might have to crack down on a worker who has been shirking their duties. If you don’t address this problem now, it will continue to escalate until it becomes too big to ignore. You shouldn’t jeopardise your professional reputation for the sake of popularity. If you have to cut this slacker loose, so be it.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’ve always been something of a loner. Don’t let a tendency to shut yourself away from the world lead to depression. It’s important to come out of your shell every once in a while, if only to connect with friends. Spending time with loved ones will change your perspective. Problems won’t seem nearly as dark and depressing when you’re able to discuss them with sympathetic friends. They understand your tendency towards pessimism and will work to lift your spirits.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Making a good impression on an executive will improve your professional prospects. You don’t believe in kissing up to authority figures. You will give credit where it is due. Just because someone is wealthy and powerful doesn’t mean they should be distained. Be sure to show respect for someone who has used their influence to make the world a better place. Your energy and enthusiasm could result in an impressive job offer. Don’t look this gift horse in the mouth.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’re ready for an adventure. Taking an overseas trip will give you a welcome chance to rest and relax. Recently, you’ve been expending a lot of energy on the people around you. You’ve got to focus on yourself instead or you will suffer burnout. Choose a holiday destination known for its incredible food. You’ll love sampling all the eateries, from five star restaurants to simple food carts. Don’t forget to buy yourself a nice souvenir to serve as a perpetual reminder of this trip.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Although you hate to admit it, you can be very jealous. Try not to fly off the handle if the object of your affection has been spending time with a romantic rival. You’ll make a far better impression by accepting the situation with grace and dignity. Channel your frustration into a creative project. Baking, gardening, woodwork or pottery may appeal to you. Working with your hands keeps you centred. Too often, you’ve got your head in the clouds. It’s time to come back to Earth.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) The last thing you want is to be embroiled in a big argument. You fare better by making everyone feel comfortable. By cultivating a relaxed atmosphere, you’ll soothe even the most irritable members of the group. One provocateur will try to stir the pot, but you’ll be able to shut them up with a single warning look. Whether you know it or not, people have tremendous respect for you. Nobody wants to cross you, especially in a public forum.

embalses del Guadalhorce Ardales Provincia de Málaga Spain

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the street where I lived as a child 
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Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
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