Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 11th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 7th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) This is a fabulous time to apply for a loan. You could get very generous terms from a bank or lending institution. Alternatively, you might decide to ask for a grant or scholarship. Be sure to request the largest amount possible, since the Universe is about to send you cash from an unearned source. There’s also a chance your romantic or business partner could get a windfall and you’ll be an indirect beneficiary of their good fortune. Your financial picture is about to get much brighter.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A new phase will begin in a business or romantic partnership. It will be easier to trust each other with confidences and responsibilities. Instead of worrying whether you can accomplish certain tasks, you’ll know your friend will help. This is a huge relief, as it has felt like the weight of the world has been on your shoulders. Are you single? This is a wonderful time to meet someone special. Be sure to look your best whether you’re going to the grocery store or heading to the movies.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) The course of daily life will become much sweeter. There will be more time to rest, play and spend time with loved ones. When you work, your duties will be pleasurable and easy. It won’t feel like you’re trying to climb a mountain any more. This comes as a real relief, as you were beginning to tire of so much responsibility. Beware of overindulging in food and drink. Now your schedule isn’t as demanding, you may fall into bad habits. Bingeing is highly discouraged.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Your romantic life is burning red hot. This is a wonderful time to embark on a new relationship or heat up a committed one. You exude a mysterious sensuality that is hard to resist. Use this allure to your advantage. It is fun watching your victims turn to jelly as you gaze deep into their eyes. If you’ve been contemplating a creative project, now is the time to launch it. Ideas will flow from you like a mighty river. Jot down every idea that pops into your head.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) If you’re thinking of moving, this would be an ideal time to set the wheels in motion. Moving to a new address is a distinct possibility. Explore out of the way neighbourhoods that provide plenty of privacy. Alternatively, you may be thinking about selling a piece of property or renovating an existing one. This impulse is rooted in a desire to transform your life in some way. Find a home that reflects your current tastes. You’ve undergone a lot of changes; let your life mirror them.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Getting your thoughts and feelings down in black and white will be quite cathartic. It helps you come to terms with where you are where you hope to be in times to come. If you’re in love, you may feel compelled to write a steamy letter or email to your amour. You have a gift with words, so it’s important to put it to good use. If you’re looking for work, think about drafting a new edition of your CV. This version could get more responses than any one you’ve previously submitted.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) More money for luxuries is on the way, much to your relief. You’re tired of scrimping and saving. Take this opportunity to splurge on something that will give profound pleasure. A relaxing holiday, a smart outfit and the latest gadget are all good possibilities. It is fun to make little impulse purchases, but they don’t bring long term satisfaction. Think carefully before putting down your money. If you’re looking for a job, explore opportunities related to art, property and cosmetics.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Celebrate a fresh start by changing your look. This can include anything from updating your image to changing the way you look at and think about the world. The important thing is to project an image that’s in keeping with your deepest desires. If you want to become a respected professional, dress for the job you want. Are you looking for love? Cultivate a style that accentuates your best features. When you look good, you feel good.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your intuition is very strong, especially regarding love. If you detect sparks between you and a newcomer, obey your impulses. You’ll have to be the aggressor in this relationship, as the object of your affection prefers to keep their emotions under wraps. In the beginning, you’ll want to keep your romance a secret. Why subject yourselves to public scrutiny when you could be having fun behind the scenes? If you already have a lover, take a break together soon.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your social life gets a welcome lift. Be sure to accept an invitation to a glamorous party. You’re sure to have a wonderful time, especially if you buy a special outfit for the occasion. Not only will the place be filled with people you love, but you’ll also get a chance to make some new acquaintances. If you’re single, several admirers will clamour for your attention. All this interest will be gratifying; let it go to your head. Normally, you’re so humble that you underestimate your charms.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Career matters are improving, just in the nick of time. For a while, you despaired of ever finding the right position. Now you have a fabulous opportunity to climb the ladder of success. You’ll have to work hard and pour on the charm. Having a good interview is critical to obtaining this job. You might want to practice your skills with someone who has lots of experience hiring staff. They’ll teach you good strategies for answering tough questions.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Overseas travel is a strong possibility. Make sure your passport is up to date and your luggage is in good shape. Visiting a mysterious city by the sea will inspire your imagination. It will also put you in the path of romance. Don’t be surprised if you feel sentimental or nostalgic while you’re away. You’re extremely artistic and feel the urge to create whenever you’re in unfamiliar surroundings. Good news about a legal settlement could also reach your ears.
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