Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 12th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 7th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) This is a great time to launch a project that is dear to your heart. Putting your creative talent on display will bring fame and acclaim. If you’ve had your eye on someone special, make your move now. The object of your affection will admire your bold approach. Are you already in a relationship? Let your amour shower you with affection. Even a tough customer like you can benefit from tender loving care. Let your vulnerable side show.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Listen carefully to your intuition. If you don’t get a good feeling when you’re around a particular person, keep your distance. You don’t need a specific reason to avoid those who make you uncomfortable. A need for privacy should be respected, too. Lately, you’ve been devoting a lot of time to friends and family. Having a few hours to yourself will recharge your batteries. Stop telling yourself you are a bad person for resenting all the demands placed on you. Anyone would crack under this pressure.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Working with a group will be to your advantage. You’ll enjoy bouncing ideas off people who are bold visionaries. Don’t be surprised if you feel a powerful attraction towards one of your teammates. The two of you have a mutual love of adventure. You’re both also quite funny and enjoy trading witty quips. If you’re already in a relationship, take care you don’t do anything to hurt your amour. Flirting is fun but it can be dangerous if you don’t know when to stop.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A sudden career opportunity is music to your ears. As a Cardinal sign, you’re always looking for ways to get ahead. It sounds like you will be offered a high profile post that has quite an impressive salary attached. Most people would leap at such an offer, but you’re cautious by nature. You can feel confident this position is right for you, so don’t deliberate for too long. The last thing you want is for some sneaky rival to steal a job that is meant for you.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Expanding your horizons should be your first priority. If you’ve been longing for a change of scenery, head for a sunny climate that has always fascinated you. You’ll enjoy sampling exotic cuisine and shopping at unfamiliar stores. If it isn’t convenient to get away now, you can always do some armchair travelling. Rent a movie or read a book that is set in an exotic locale. If you’re not sure which story to choose, ask your local librarian for suggestions.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Give more thought to finances. If you need additional insurance, increase your policy coverage now. Are you living from payday to payday? Talk to your bank about automatically putting a portion of your income into an interest bearing savings account each pay period. Are you thinking about further education? Apply for a grant or scholarship. You have a knack for detail oriented paperwork that will put your application at the top of the pile. A surprising inheritance or refund could also be on the way.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A business or romantic alliance is sending shock waves of excitement through your life. You never know what your partner will do, which is part of the fun. A considerate person like you tends to err on the side of caution. It feels great to team up with someone who is always throwing caution to the wind. If you are in the creative field, this would be a great time to find an agent or manager. Let someone else worry about business while you focus on your craft.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) An interesting work assignment is coming, so keep your eyes open for it. Plenty of rivals will try to snatch it from your grasp, so you should be quick in accepting this offer. Not only will work be interesting, but it will also pay well. If you’re unemployed, it’s possible you will be asked to cover for an ailing staff member at the last minute. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Nobody expects perfection in circumstances like this. Your willingness to help makes a good impression.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’re ready to kick back and relax with your favourite people. You don’t need a reason to throw a party. Just send out a mass email and let your friends drop in. Don’t be surprised if one of your guests brings a relative who makes your pulse pound. It will be difficult to hide your feelings, as this newcomer will ignite powerful desires. Instead of waiting to be introduced, make a beeline for the object of your affection. Your direct approach will be much appreciated.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Turn your attention to living arrangements. If your current situation is making you tired or anxious, think about relocating. You might want to stay with a nurturing friend who can shower you with tender loving care while you recover from a breakup. Alternatively, you could move to an area closer to your job, thereby reducing your commuting time. It’s even possible you will choose to cohabitate with an upbeat person who has lightened your outlook.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’ll be busy answering emails, phone calls and texts. Don’t be surprised if you are sent on a quick business trip. Things are moving at lightning speed. You’ll have to pick up the pace to meet all the commitments ahead. Fortunately, this is just the sort of challenge you enjoy. It’s fun to cross paths with people you’d ordinarily never meet. If you have to stay at a hotel, ask friends for recommendations. You’re sure to find a good place to stay this way.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) It’s time to get control of your spending. Putting yourself on a budget will allow you to buy luxuries that speak to your heart. Steer clear of impulse purchases that are burning a hole in your bank account. You have better things to do with your hard earned cash. If your current job doesn’t pay enough, ask for a raise. Your boss will be hard pressed to refuse your request. Everybody knows you’re the most valuable person in the organisation. Looking for a job? An offer is on the way.
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