Monday, September 9, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 10th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 7th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Even though you seem to use logic as the basis for your decisions, you’re actually quite emotional. You won’t let rivals see the depth of your emotion. This is a wise strategy regarding work. When it comes to your love life, you are better off wearing your heart on your sleeve. Tell the object of your affection how much you care. Pay tribute to your amour’s best qualities. It’s good to be vulnerable to someone who is worthy of your trust.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’re feeling sentimental, so it’s natural to seek the company of some old friends. Although it’s fun talking about past adventures, don’t get bogged down by nostalgia. You have a marvellous opportunity to break new ground. Going on a glamorous trip or changing your look will give you a much needed boost. Stop telling yourself nothing exciting will ever happen again. A new adventure is just around the corner, provided you stop looking back all the time. 
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You don’t stand on ceremony, preferring to take a casual approach. This puts other people at ease. If you are going to give a talk or make a presentation, make sure there are comfortable accommodations for visitors. Limit your remarks to a few short minutes. It’s always best to leave people wanting more. Are you unsure of which points to hit? Talk to a broad minded friend. Their feedback will be valuable, as this sign has a talent for seeing the big picture.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Varied interests help you connect with virtually anyone. When it comes to making friends, vow to listen more than you speak. This will give you valuable clues on what sorts of subjects to discuss with your new acquaintance. Fortunately, you have a wealth of information at your fingertips, thanks to your insatiable curiosity. If someone happens to bring up an unfamiliar subject, ask plenty of questions about it. People love to show off their knowledge of their favourite topics.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You wouldn’t dream of ever showing how sensitive you really are. As far as you’re concerned, the best revenge is living well. It does bother you when people make insensitive jokes at your expense. When you love someone, you’d never dream of poking fun at their vulnerable spots. What you don’t realise is that many people tease as a means to show affection. If someone has made light of your weaknesses, it is probably a sign of their adoration. Grin and bear it.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You don’t shy away from difficult subjects. In fact, you welcome the chance to clear the air. Confronting a colleague who has been annoying the group will be productive. By explaining how their behaviour is affecting productivity, you’ll end a frustrating situation. Your fellow workers will want to give you a medal for broaching such a sensitive topic. Take pride in your ability to resolve conflict. Use this skill as a springboard to bigger and better career opportunities.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Don’t let anyone impose on you. As a general rule, you have an open door policy towards visitors. That won’t be convenient now, when you have some time sensitive projects on your plate. Hang a ‘Privacy, Please’ sign outside your work space and let calls go to voicemail. You can’t be expected to be on call for everyone all the time. If someone dares complain about your unavailability, apprise them of your duties in no uncertain terms. Don’t be bullied into granting an audience to this pest.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It will be tempting to break into a victory dance when you are proven right. Try your best to exude an air of calm authority. Nobody likes having their nose rubbed in their mistakes. If you feel as if your opinion isn’t valued, this could be a sign to move on to greener pastures. Use this latest triumph as a springboard to a new position. Ideally, you need a job that gives you a measure of authority. Taking orders from small minded people has grown old.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Use your judgement and intuition when it comes to relationships. Someone who has taken advantage of your generosity in the past will try it again. Although you want to think the best of everyone, that simply isn’t a good idea. Be ready to refuse a request for financial help, even at the risk of appearing callous. You’ll soon see this manipulator going to someone else with the same sob story. After digging into this tale of woe, you’ll find it was a sheer fabrication.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Adopting an enthusiastic approach to work will make time fly. Normally, you have a cautious attitude towards unfamiliar assignments, fearing unexpected problems. This won’t be the case with this job, as all the heavy lifting has been done for you. Summon your creativity and find ways to put an inventive spin on time honoured traditions. This is your chance to distinguish yourself from the crowd. You’re very inventive when given an opportunity to experiment. Let your imagination run wild.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Instead of worrying about being popular, focus on making the right choice for the greatest amount of people. That’s easier said than done, so you will have to bolster your courage. People are counting on you to do the right thing. A small minority will complain when you render your decision, but the vast majority will breathe a sigh of relief. Even your greatest critics will give grudging respect when they realise what a bold move you have made.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Let your best friend or romantic partner lead you into unfamiliar waters. Trying a new cuisine, watching a movie you wouldn’t normally see and visiting a country that is off your radar are among the possibilities. You have a tendency to go where you are most comfortable and who can blame you? Hitching your star to an adventurer will give you a fresh perspective. It can also provide tremendous creative inspiration. Take a walk on the wild side.
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