Sunday, September 15, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 16th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 15th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Beware of saying things you don’t mean in the heat of passion. A desire to hurt someone you love will be fleeting. Once your temper has cooled, you’ll feel terrible remorse. It’s better to avoid arguing altogether. If that means keeping your distance for a few hours, so be it. Avoid firing off impulsive emails and text messages, too. It’s hard to take back words once you have uttered them. Diplomacy is the cornerstone of any long term relationship.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Resist the urge to withdraw from the group if you feel rejected. You have a worthy opinion that should be heard. In time, your colleagues will realise how prophetic your words were and will beg your forgiveness. Until then, you’ll feel rather isolated, but it can’t be helped. Continue to make contributions, even when others mock your efforts. Victory will be sweet when your theories are proven correct. You could even be offered a raise or promotion.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Don’t let popular opinion affect your own decisions. Just because your friends dislike a newcomer doesn’t mean you should follow suit. By reaching out to this rebel, you’ll form a strong bond. You enjoy their refreshing outlook, while they appreciate your varied interests. The rest of your social circle won’t look favourably upon this bond, but who cares? You have the right to form relationships outside of the group. It’s time to branch out, if only to get a greater variety of opinions.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An erratic authority figure is wearing on your last nerve. You’re sick and tired of catering to their whims. Voicing your true feelings will cause a great deal of trouble. It’s better to jot down these sentiments in a personal notebook. You’re not the type who can keep emotions bottled up for long. Eventually, they will come spewing out. Having a diary provides a healthy forum to vent your frustrations. This would also be a good place to plan your next career move.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Beware of getting involved with overly charismatic or self obsessed people. Their motives may not be totally honourable. Very often, such characters treat fame like a drug. You’re better off staying close to friends who have their feet planted firmly on the ground. Avoid discussing your personal life in a public forum. An unscrupulous person could overhear your remarks and use them against you. You have to be very protective of your reputation, as you have many jealous rivals.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Unexpected expenses put a crimp in your budget. It’s nerve wracking to worry about paying these bills. Instead of letting anxiety get the best of you, take a few deep breaths. Try to set up a payment plan with your creditor. That way, you’ll gain a greater sense of control over this situation. You’re an honourable person who doesn’t enjoy being in debt. Fortunately, you’ll be able to fulfil this obligation sooner than you think. A new source of income is on the horizon.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Don’t form a partnership with someone you don’t know very well. Instead, do some research into their background. Ask for references and be sure to call the people listed. You may discover some surprising information about this character that makes you shun any sort of alliance. Manipulators often project a sunny, charming disposition in the early stages of a relationship. That’s why it’s so important to look beyond surface considerations, especially where money is concerned.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It’s impossible to see eye to eye with an impractical colleague. You’re tired of watching this fellow worker chase rainbows when there is important work to be done. If this trend persists, you might have to have a talk with your boss. It’s not fair for you to do the lion’s share of the work all the time. A fair delegation of responsibilities will put you at rest. Lately, it feels like you’ve been juggling several plates at the same time. They will all crash if something doesn’t change.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Taking a chance on love could backfire spectacularly. The object of your affection needs more time to get acquainted. Pursuing a physical relationship will only scare them away. Develop a friendship instead, spending time doing things you both enjoy. You may decide it’s best to keep things platonic. Although your friend is undeniably attractive, you have decidedly different temperaments. You need someone who is free spirited and adventurous.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) This isn’t the best time to have guests, as they won’t obey your rules. If you have to meet a big group of people, arrange to gather at a restaurant or hotel. That way, you won’t have to worry about your privacy being violated. It’s sad you can’t trust certain relatives to respect your boundaries, but some people don’t abide by any rules. Resist the urge to poke fun at an authority figure in a public forum. You don’t want to appear disrespectful or ungracious.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It’s hard for you to focus on work. Distractions surround you at every turn. Instead of setting your sights on a single project, you’re better off multi-tasking. That way, when you grow bored of one job, you can turn your attention to another. Double check the address line of any email you send, or an embarrassing message could go to an unintended recipient. When it comes to communication, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Beware of rash reactions, they could backfire.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) This isn’t a good time to invest money in untried ventures. You’re better off keeping your resources safe in the bank, where they can gain interest. An offer that sounds too good to be true probably is. A relative could pressure you into writing a cheque for a business venture. Be ready to refuse. This may cause a temporary rift, but it can’t be helped. You work too hard to throw away money on hare brained schemes. If you get a raise or a windfall, don’t announce it.

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