Monday, September 16, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 17th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 15th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You don’t play hard to get. When you adore someone, you let the whole world know. It’s one of your nicest qualities. If you’ve set your sights on someone shy and retiring, take care not to overwhelm them. An extravagant gift could scare them away. You’re better off expressing your affection in small, thoughtful ways that show you’ve taken note of their tastes. Play to your strengths and don’t try to be something you’re not. Honesty and sincerity are your strong points. Use them to your advantage.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Taking care of a sick friend or relative will be fulfilling. You’re a born nurturer, taking pleasure in giving people, animal and plants the things they need to thrive. If you’re looking for work, seek a job in the hospitality industry. Working at a restaurant, hotel or in catering will appeal to your generous nature. If you’re not feeling in tip top form you should think about changing your lifestyle, taking more exercise and quitting health hazarding habits.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You crave intellectual stimulation. This is a wonderful time to take an art class. Not only will you appreciate the teacher, but you’ll make several good friends among your classmates. Learning to draw, paint, write, or play music will give you an attractive glow. You’re always sexiest when sinking your teeth into a new project. Good news about a neighbourhood construction project means your home will become much more valuable. If you don’t own your residence, perhaps it’s time to buy one.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Buying some equipment for your business is advised. You’ll be able to get a good deal on hi-tech items. If you’re not sure what to purchase, ask a Virgo or Aquarius for advice. Their technological expertise will be helpful. Upgrading your computer or telephone system will increase your productivity and allow you to go after jobs that were previously out of reach. You’ll be able to cover the expense upon receiving the next few paycheques. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Go after what you want, even at the risk of seeming pushy. Fortunately, most people find your passion charming and will go out of their way to help you. Flattery will get you everywhere. You know just what to say to authority figures that can give you access to exclusive organisations and expensive materials. A short trip for pleasure will inspire a creative project. You’ll enjoy exploring unfamiliar surroundings, meeting new people and getting a different view of life.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You’re ready to retreat from the world and work on a creative project. It gives you great pleasure to express your imagination. Normally, you’re so bogged down with errands you have hardly any time for fun. Take this opportunity to put chores on the back burner while you have some fun. Nobody will dare question your judgment. They know you’re an essential part of the team. If you leave, none of the important jobs will ever get done.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Working for a humanitarian organisation brings fame and acclaim. You’re especially good at raising money. Not only do you have an extensive social network that can be depended upon to donate, but you also gift with civic leaders and business owners. By appealing to their vanity, you’ll prompt them to write several big cheques for a good cause. Go ahead and flirt if it will make a difference. Your instincts will tell you which buttons to push.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re not afraid to pursue difficult goals. In fact, the bigger the challenge, the more determined you become to meet it. Working behind the scenes proves effective. Rivals are slow to feel threatened by you, since you prefer operating beneath the radar. Applying for a government grant will increase your chances for success. Many people are discouraged by the prospect of filling out complicated forms. Not you. That’s because you understand temporary sacrifices pay off nicely.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’re determined to have fun, even if there is work to be done. Going out with a large group of friends lifts your spirits. Responsibilities can wait for another time. Take this opportunity to attend a concert, fair or special event. Wear something comfortable, as you could be walking a great deal. While your more fashion conscious friends will be stumbling around in painful shoes, you’ll be going strong, even during the final hours. As usual, you look terrific in anything.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) When you set your sights on a goal, success is virtually guaranteed. That’s because you’re a master strategist. You won’t waste time deliberating on a course of action. Instead, you rely on your uncanny instincts to move you forward. If you do happen to make a mistake, you’ll quickly correct your course. One of your greatest gifts is an ability to learn from your errors. Have you developed a crush on someone special? Set about winning their heart. Your earthy sensuality is quite alluring.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’d rather win someone’s approval with a show of intelligence than a display of strength. While rivals are busy showing off in crude ways, you’re patiently waiting on the side. When all the excitement dies down, you’ll move forward and make an impressive presentation that causes everyone to sit up and take notice. This is a wonderful time to attract new clients and form business partnerships. Signing a contract is strongly advised. The sooner you file a formal document, the better.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Doing a thorough job will pave the way for more business. Attending to small details isn’t your strong suit, so you might want to enlist the help of a Gemini or Virgo. Ask your friend to double check your work before submitting it. They’ll detect some small errors that should be corrected as soon as possible. Resist the urge to underplay these mistakes. They may seem insignificant to you, but they’ll stick out like a sore thumb to a painstaking executive.

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