Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 19th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 15th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’re eager to escape the pressures of daily life. Retreating to a secluded hideaway will come as a tremendous relief. Lately, you have been juggling a bewildering variety of tasks. It’s time to put down these chores and get some rest. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner will support this decision. They’ll fulfil your most important duties while you recuperate. Accept their generous offer of help or you will suffer from burnout. Even a dynamo like you needs an occasional break.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It’s time to analyse your emotions about an intimate relationship. You feel wonderful when you’re with an accomplished person who takes a serious view of life. Many of your friends think your partner is a wet blanket, but this simply isn’t true. Actually, your amour is extremely passionate about certain things, but keeps their emotions under wraps. Only in your presence does their guard come down. You’re pleased to have their trust and won’t turn your back on this alliance.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You disapprove of public displays of emotion. If you’re confronted with one, stay calm. Some people need to vent their feelings. There is no correct way to process grief or shock. Turning your attention to work can be therapeutic. You love keeping busy. Being productive gives you a greater sense of control. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a job with wonderful perks. Word of your creative talent has spread. Getting paid to exercise your imagination will be a welcome change of pace.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Things are getting better, although your progress feels painfully slow. Keep making time for your favourite pursuits. Practice makes perfect. An accomplished person has noticed your hard work and admires you for it. Don’t be surprised when they ask for a date. You’re so busy developing your talent that you don’t realise how many new opportunities have become available. Take a break from your labours and get a lay of the land. Signing a contract will bring long term financial security.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Payment from a legal settlement, refund or inheritance will become available. This will allow you to put a deposit on a home or car. Alternatively, you may decide to take out an insurance policy. Planning for the future will bring tremendous comfort. You’re tired of living for payday to come. A kind relative will put you in line for a lucrative job. Don’t hesitate to apply, even if you lack certain qualifications. Your prospects for landing this position are still good.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You’re tired of arguing all the time. Hammering out an agreement will restore peace to your home. Be open and honest about your concerns. Suggest alternatives for dealing with stubborn problems. Be open to hearing criticism of your own behaviour. If you and a loved one are willing to make small concessions for the sake of your relationship, your mutual affection will be restored. At rock bottom, the two of you make a great team. Smooth over the rough edges of your union.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your perfectionist tendencies are coming to the forefront. Usually, you’re eager to provide everyone with a little encouragement. Lately, one of your colleagues has been trying your patience with lacklustre work. By demanding more from them, you’ll see a dramatic improvement. You may not realise it, but people are eager for your approval. Making some home improvements will dramatically improve the value of your place. If you’re looking to move, invest in an older home that can be restored to its original beauty.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re eager to pour all of your energy into a promising romance. It is wonderful to be with someone who admires your talent and respects your values. If you’re already in a relationship, encourage your amour to develop their creative talent. By keeping the home fires burning, you’ll allow your partner to fulfil their considerable potential. Good news from a bank or lending institution comes as a relief. Getting a grant, loan or scholarship will make it easier to meet your financial obligations.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Homemade gifts are greatly appreciated in this commercial age. If your friend is having a birthday, craft something with your own two hands. Your offering will be greatly appreciated, whether it’s a cake, sweater or painting. The opportunity to increase your earnings will arrive quite suddenly, when a new opportunity comes your way. Be ready to ask for more money than is originally offered. A prospective employer is determined to secure your services and will be happy to pay what you ask.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’ll finally be able to finish tasks that have escaped your attention these past few weeks. Take this opportunity to return phone calls, emails and text messages. Someone has been anxious to hear from you. You’ll also be able to pay several bills thanks to the timely arrival of several cheques. A kind friend wants you to donate your services to a good cause. Be sure to grant this favour. Your kindness and generosity will attract an impressive job offer.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) More money for luxuries is on the way. This is a wonderful time to invest in things to advance your career. A smart interview suit, a new computer or a smartphone will increase your chances of landing a dream job. If you’re looking for work, check out positions at a government agency, hospital or university. Working for a big bureaucracy will bring job security, as well as a generous retirement plan. These things are worth their weight in gold.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re eager to put personal plans into action. Recently, you’ve allowed several rivals to eclipse you. Now it’s time to show off your superior knowledge and considerable expertise. If you’re offered a teaching or writing job, take it. You’ll win fame and acclaim. In addition, you’ll meet several influential people who can further promote your career objectives. There’s no reason to hide your light under a bushel any longer. Realising your star power will give you an attractive glow.
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