Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 18th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 15th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Learning to be less defensive will improve all of your relationships. As a Fire sign, you’re highly competitive. This can cause you to start unnecessary arguments. It’s perfectly fine to let a variety of opinions be discussed in mixed company. If you don’t agree with certain ideas, say so, but don’t make a big deal of your opposition. People will appreciate the opportunity to exchange opinions without feeling attacked or ridiculed. Besides, this will give you a chance to see life from different perspectives.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Being more thoughtful towards your best friend or romantic partner will bring tremendous rewards. Think of small ways you can express your affection, like running errands for your friend or pouring your loved one a cup of morning coffee. When you are making plans together, defer to your partner. Very often, you have strong ideas about what you want to do. By allowing your friend to take the driver’s seat, you’ll strike a healthier balance. Everyone should take a turn setting the agenda.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You have tremendous willpower. This is a wonderful time to launch a fitness program. Taking regular exercise will boost your energy and lift your spirits. It will also help to eat a diet rich in lean protein, fresh produce and whole grains. The key is to create a plan and stick to it. Keeping a food diary will make you mindful of when you are vulnerable to splurges. By having a supply of wholesome snacks on hand, you will avoid temptation.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You’re not willing to make the same sacrifices or allowances for a child or lover. This difference of opinion is causing tension in your household. At some point, the two of you must agree to disagree. Neither one of you is superior based on your beliefs. By showing respect for each other, you’ll overcome this rough patch. Resist the urge to make jokes at your loved one’s expense. That will be like pouring petrol on a smouldering fire. Make it your mission to keep the peace.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Making a serious commitment requires careful thought. You’re a passionate person who likes to consult your heart in all matters. This approach works well in many areas, but it is flawed when it comes to romantic relationships. Although you feel a strong attraction to someone special, the two of you have fundamental differences. Competing ideas about ethics, money and love will severely undermine your bond. Hold out for someone who has the same values. You won’t be sorry.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You might not be getting the intellectual stimulation you need from a friendship. Although you’re very loyal to someone you’ve known since childhood, it’s important to bolster your social circle with people who share your interests. There’s nothing snobbish about joining a club devoted to your favourite hobby. It will be a huge relief to talk with people who have your same level of expertise. You have to admit that it is exhausting having to dumb down your conversation all the time.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It’s important for you to feel valued by your friends, relatives and colleagues. People who belittle your contributions should be excluded from your inner circle. You always take pains to treat others with dignity. If you aren’t getting the same consideration, keep your distance. Continuing to collaborate with such people will rob you of valuable time and energy. Does it feel like you’re not on equal ground with a business or romantic partner? Discuss the problem with your comrade. It’s time for change.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re determined to be a better romantic partner, whether you are single or attached. Being more open and honest about your emotions is critical to your success. When you encounter troubling emotions, your first instinct is to cover them up. Teaching yourself to be more open will improve all of your relationships, not just romantic ones. Letting go of old resentments is also critical to your success. If you decide to forgive someone, resist the temptation to mention past transgressions.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Lately, you’ve been spreading yourself very thin. Spending more time on solitary pursuits will restore your energy. It will also put you in touch with your spiritual side. When is the last time you enjoyed the pleasures of nature? Taking a walk through the park will make you realise how you’ve been neglecting your appreciation of flora and fauna. Are you lonely? This would be a great time to visit the local animal shelter and adopt a pet. Choose something appropriate for your lifestyle.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Investing more time and energy in a relationship will be rewarding. As a general rule, your first priority is work. While your job provides a great deal of intellectual stimulation, it doesn’t provide much emotional fulfilment. Becoming more available to the one you love will make you realise what you’ve been missing. There’s more to life than climbing the ladder to success. Arrange a romantic holiday for two. You and your amour will benefit from a change of scenery.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Converting people to a cause that is close to your heart is your first order of business. Some will resist your efforts. If this happens, respect their boundaries and look for a more receptive audience. There are quite a few people among your acquaintance who will be eager to join your quest. Joining together to make the world a better place will lift your spirits and renew your faith in humankind. Turn a deaf ear to cynics who think you are wasting your time.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re ready to expand your sexual horizons. Team up with a partner who inspires trust. Together, you can reach heights of ecstasy you never dreamed possible. If you’re on your own, emphasise your sensual side. Dress in a way that makes you feel sultry and seductive. This can mean anything from wearing sexy underclothes to splashing on some alluring cologne. You’ve always underestimated your charms. Take this opportunity to learn how attractive you really are.
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