Saturday, September 7, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 8th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 7th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Lend your support to a friend or lover who is undergoing a difficult time. It’s so important to remind people they are valued when things go wrong in their life. Be quick to commend their courage and praise their strengths. Don’t look down on them if they need time to grieve a loss. You’re an extremely loyal friend, but sometimes have difficulty knowing exactly how to express your affection for others. A little tender loving care will go a long way in this situation.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) The best way to boost your health is to adopt a positive outlook. This sounds simplistic, but it really works. The next time you feel anxious, go make a list of five things that make life worthwhile. You’ll immediately get a lift. Although your problems are valid, don’t let them overwhelm you. There are people who are eager to help you through these difficulties. Be willing to ask for their support. Make a fun plan every day so you’ll have lots to anticipate.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’re not willing to get serious about a relationship. You’d rather focus on having fun instead. Unfortunately, the object of your affection is pushing for a commitment. Explain why you’re reluctant to settle down. The more honest you are, the better your prospects will be. Do you already have a partner? Don’t get bogged down by boring household routines. Injecting a little spontaneity into your lives will increase your mutual desire. It’s hard to cultivate passion when it feels like you’re on a treadmill.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You long for emotional security. Fortunately, friends and family are eager to provide it. You will have to ask for their assurance. Sometimes you expect people to intuit your ever changing moods. What you don’t realise is everyone isn’t as sensitive as you. You have to be more communicative as a means to get what you want from relationships. If you’ve been longing to splurge on some furniture or artwork, do it. Spend some money on yourself for a change.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Taking a short trip for pleasure is in the cards. It’s a relief to escape the pressures of daily life. Resist the urge to check your email while you are away. The last thing you need is to get sucked into a stressful conflict when you could be relaxing. Don’t leave a forwarding number to a needy friend or relative who is always demanding help. They can be put on hold while you unwind. Look at this trip as an opportunity to set healthier boundaries.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) When it comes to shopping, you want items with the finest quality. Don’t settle for second best. If what you want isn’t available, hold off on making a purchase. The exact thing you want will become available in due time. Meanwhile, if you need an essential piece of equipment, you may want to borrow it from a friend or relative. There’s even a chance you can rent something while you wait for the right model to come along.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your natural grace and dignity win the day. This is a wonderful opportunity to make friends and influence people. You have a knack for saying just the right thing to make someone drop their defences. If you’ve been longing for a special gift, ask your amour now. It will be virtually impossible to turn you down. Don’t let a desire to keep the peace stop you making an important change. The chance to make a splash in a creative industry is worth taking.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Relying on others is never a comfortable prospect for you. Try putting your fears aside for the sake of a stronger relationship. Demonstrate trust in someone who has always supported your dreams. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Steer clear of a professional collaboration. You won’t want to compromise your vision for the sake of harmony. The person who wants to work with you isn’t as skilled or imaginative. It’s better to go solo, even at the risk of insulting a colleague.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Instead of slowing down and preparing for the week ahead, you’re still in play mode. Gather together a group of friends to enjoy good food and stimulating conversation. There will be plenty of time to rest later. Someone whose style you admire could invite you on a trip. You’ll welcome the chance to get away from the daily routine. Your life isn’t unbearable; you would just like a change of scenery. Even pleasant routines feel suffocating for a Fire sign like you.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You are an excellent representative for a large organisation. Projecting a calm, professional demeanour will draw lots of interest from VIPs. It will also strengthen the public’s faith in your employer. These days, the personal touch has fallen by the wayside. Communicating a group’s message in a clear, concise fashion will make customers feel as if they’re in good hands. Be sure to proofread all press releases that go out, making sure the address and contact information is correct.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Crude behaviour really turns you off. If someone keeps making nasty remarks in your presence, take them aside and explain your discomfort. Be as direct and calm as possible. There’s a chance this blowhard will be so embarrassed by this confrontation that they will cease making such comments again. You may not realise it, but your opinion means a lot. When you express displeasure in another person, they usually are quick to change their ways. Take comfort in the knowledge you aren’t the only one who is offended.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) The diplomatic approach works best with a relative. You don’t enjoy discussing financial matters in public, while they have no problem doing so. The only way to put an end to this situation is by having a heart to heart conversation. Don’t expect this family member to read your mind. Not everyone has the same attitude towards money, so it’s important to explain why such remarks make you uncomfortable. The more detailed your explanation, the easier it will be to reach a compromise.

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the street where I lived as a child 
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