Sunday, September 8, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 9th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 7th September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Jealousy could rear its ugly head in a romantic relationship. Take care not to jump to conclusions if you hear your amour speak affectionately about someone else. There are all sorts of love in the world. Just because your partner appreciates another person doesn’t mean you’ve been eclipsed in their life. Are you single? It may be a good idea to examine your attitudes about committed relationship. The healthiest bonds require an element of freedom for both participants to grow.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Take control of your emotions before confronting a business or romantic partner. Unleashing your fury will only drive a wedge between you. If you have a complaint, voice it in a rational manner. Be prepared to hear a lot of empty excuses. Nobody likes to have their bad behaviour challenged. By sticking to the facts and refusing to get personal, you will see some progress. It’s entirely possible you will decide to part ways after this confrontation.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Someone will try to pressure you into signing a contract. Hold out until you get better terms. You may not realise it, but you have a lot more power in this situation than your opponent pretends. By acting cool as a cucumber, you’ll force their hand and get the compensation you deserve. If you get offered a job assignment that doesn’t pay much, turn it down. It’s never a good idea to undervalue your talent and experience. A better offer will come along.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Don’t get too wrapped up in material concerns. Just because money is tight doesn’t mean you have to curtail your social life. You can have just as much fun throwing a “bring a dish” dinner than going to an expensive restaurant. If you’re trying to impress a romantic interest, don’t feel pressured to wear fancy clothes or flash status symbols. Anyone who is worth your time will fall in love with your sterling character and tender heart. Your bank balance shouldn’t affect their view at all.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Beware of making rash decisions, especially about household matters. An oppressive relative has been dampening your enthusiasm for life. Instead of making a drastic move to defy their authority, take a few moments to calm down. You’re better off considering what is best for you. Talking to a diplomatic friend can put this problem in perspective. You’ve always admired the way your loved one deals with difficult people. By taking a page from their book, you’ll save yourself a great deal of regret.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You’re being confined to a certain area, which makes you really angry. It feels as if your growth is being stunted by an oppressive organisation. Instead of voicing your frustration in a public forum, channel it through a creative project. That way, your words won’t come back to haunt you. It can be lots of fun to let off steam on a social network, but being too cavalier with remarks could result in an untimely dismissal. Protect your interests at all costs.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) The popular view makes you tired and frustrated. When it comes to entertainment, you’re looking for something out of the ordinary. It will take some detective work to find the kind of material you desire, but don’t give up hope. Joining an online group devoted to your favourite subject can be illuminating. You might also want to take a trip to the library to do some in depth research. If you want to get your hands on a rare book or movie, see if you can access it through an interlibrary loan.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re tempted to take out your frustrations on a disobedient underling. Breathe deep and don’t allow your feelings to prompt a bad decision. If you’re dealing with someone who is truly incompetent, dismiss them in a quiet, efficient manner. Trying to make an example of them will only backfire. Nobody likes a tyrant. By taking the dignified route, you’ll earn the public’s respect. It will take some more time to win their affection, but first things first.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Try not to be narrow minded with someone whose values are completely opposite to your own. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go around. Normally, this thought makes you happy. This situation is different. You’re worried how an extremely conservative person’s behaviour is affecting a child. While you’re concern is admirable, there is not much you can do to change the situation, except to serve as a good counterexample. Being the sole voice of reason in a crazy climate can have quite an effect.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You have a strong urge to take back property that is rightfully yours. Unfortunately, this could put you in great deal of legal trouble. Find a healthy outlet for your frustration. Writing a book, composing a song or painting a picture could bring considerable relief. An influential person has been watching your situation from behind the scenes. If you exhibit grace under pressure, they’ll extend an exciting job offer. Every cloud has a silver lining. Be patient and train your eyes skyward.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Resist the urge to compete with someone who has your dream job. Measuring your own success against theirs will be an exercise in futility. It’s possible your rival has better contacts or a more extensive education. Resenting their situation will be a waste of valuable energy. Instead of seething with rage, focus on finding a better position. You might have to hit the books or change industries, but the change will be worthwhile. Assess your situation honestly and prepare to change.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Conflicts with colleagues cause a great deal of resentment. It feels as if you’re not being fairly compensated, even though you have more experience and training. Don’t take out your anger on your peers. Talk to your employer about the situation. If it feels like the matter won’t be rectified, use this as motivation to get a better position. Other companies will recognise your merit and pay you accordingly. You could even land a job at a company that has a profit sharing program.
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